Data Structures | Macros | Functions | Variables
manage.h File Reference
#include "misc.h"
#include "event.h"
#include "socket.h"
#include "mroute.h"
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Data Structures

struct  man_def_auth_context
struct  command_line
union  log_entry_union
struct  log_entry
struct  log_history
struct  management_callback
struct  man_persist
struct  man_settings
struct  man_connection
struct  management


#define MF_SERVER   (1<<0)
#define MF_QUERY_PASSWORDS   (1<<1)
#define MF_HOLD   (1<<2)
#define MF_SIGNAL   (1<<3)
#define MF_FORGET_DISCONNECT   (1<<4)
#define MF_CONNECT_AS_CLIENT   (1<<5)
#define MF_CLIENT_AUTH   (1<<6)
#define MF_UNIX_SOCK   (1<<8)
#define MF_EXTERNAL_KEY   (1<<9)
#define MF_EXTERNAL_KEY_PKCS1PAD   (1<<11)
#define MF_UP_DOWN   (1<<12)
#define MF_QUERY_REMOTE   (1<<13)
#define MF_QUERY_PROXY   (1<<14)
#define MF_EXTERNAL_CERT   (1<<15)
#define MF_EXTERNAL_KEY_PSSPAD   (1<<16)
#define MF_EXTERNAL_KEY_DIGEST   (1<<17)
#define DAF_CONNECTION_CLOSED   (1<<1)
#define DAF_INITIAL_AUTH   (1<<2)
#define LOG_PRINT_LOG_PREFIX   (1<<0)
#define LOG_PRINT_ECHO_PREFIX   (1<<1)
#define LOG_PRINT_STATE_PREFIX   (1<<2)
#define LOG_PRINT_INT_DATE   (1<<3)
#define LOG_PRINT_MSG_FLAGS   (1<<4)
#define LOG_PRINT_STATE   (1<<5)
#define LOG_PRINT_LOCAL_IP   (1<<6)
#define LOG_PRINT_CRLF   (1<<7)
#define LOG_FATAL_NOTIFY   (1<<8)
#define LOG_PRINT_INTVAL   (1<<9)
#define LOG_PRINT_REMOTE_IP   (1<<10)
#define LOG_ECHO_TO_LOG   (1<<11)
#define MCF_SERVER   (1<<0) /* is OpenVPN being run as a server? */
#define MANSIG_IGNORE_USR1_HUP   (1<<0)
#define MANSIG_MAP_USR1_TO_HUP   (1<<1)
#define MANSIG_MAP_USR1_TO_TERM   (1<<2)
#define UP_QUERY_USER_PASS   1
#define UP_QUERY_PASS   2
#define UP_QUERY_NEED_OK   3
#define UP_QUERY_NEED_STR   4
#define MS_INITIAL   0 /* all sockets are closed */
#define MS_LISTEN   1 /* no client is connected */
#define MS_CC_WAIT_READ   2 /* client is connected, waiting for read on socket */
#define MS_CC_WAIT_WRITE   3 /* client is connected, waiting for ability to write to socket */
#define IEC_UNDEF   0
#define IEC_CLIENT_AUTH   1
#define IEC_RSA_SIGN   3
#define IEC_PK_SIGN   5
#define EKS_UNDEF   0
#define EKS_SOLICIT   1
#define EKS_INPUT   2
#define EKS_READY   3
#define OPENVPN_STATE_INITIAL   0 /* Initial, undefined state */
#define OPENVPN_STATE_CONNECTING   1 /* Management interface has been initialized */
#define OPENVPN_STATE_ASSIGN_IP   2 /* Assigning IP address to virtual network interface */
#define OPENVPN_STATE_ADD_ROUTES   3 /* Adding routes to system */
#define OPENVPN_STATE_CONNECTED   4 /* Initialization sequence completed */
#define OPENVPN_STATE_RECONNECTING   5 /* Restart */
#define OPENVPN_STATE_EXITING   6 /* Exit */
#define OPENVPN_STATE_WAIT   7 /* Waiting for initial response from server */
#define OPENVPN_STATE_AUTH   8 /* Authenticating with server */
#define OPENVPN_STATE_GET_CONFIG   9 /* Downloading configuration from server */
#define OPENVPN_STATE_RESOLVE   10 /* DNS lookup */
#define OPENVPN_STATE_TCP_CONNECT   11 /* Connecting to TCP server */
#define OPENVPN_STATE_CLIENT_BASE   7 /* Base index of client-only states */


struct command_linecommand_line_new (const int buf_len)
void command_line_free (struct command_line *cl)
void command_line_add (struct command_line *cl, const unsigned char *buf, const int len)
const char * command_line_get (struct command_line *cl)
void command_line_reset (struct command_line *cl)
void command_line_next (struct command_line *cl)
const char * log_entry_print (const struct log_entry *e, unsigned int flags, struct gc_arena *gc)
struct log_historylog_history_init (const int capacity)
void log_history_close (struct log_history *h)
void log_history_add (struct log_history *h, const struct log_entry *le)
void log_history_resize (struct log_history *h, const int capacity)
const struct log_entrylog_history_ref (const struct log_history *h, const int index)
static int log_history_size (const struct log_history *h)
static int log_history_capacity (const struct log_history *h)
struct managementmanagement_init (void)
bool management_open (struct management *man, const char *addr, const char *port, const char *pass_file, const char *client_user, const char *client_group, const int log_history_cache, const int echo_buffer_size, const int state_buffer_size, const int remap_sigusr1, const unsigned int flags)
void management_close (struct management *man)
void management_post_tunnel_open (struct management *man, const in_addr_t tun_local_ip)
void management_pre_tunnel_close (struct management *man)
void management_socket_set (struct management *man, struct event_set *es, void *arg, unsigned int *persistent)
void management_io (struct management *man)
void management_set_callback (struct management *man, const struct management_callback *cb)
void management_clear_callback (struct management *man)
bool management_query_user_pass (struct management *man, struct user_pass *up, const char *type, const unsigned int flags, const char *static_challenge)
bool management_would_hold (struct management *man)
bool management_hold (struct management *man, int holdtime)
void management_event_loop_n_seconds (struct management *man, int sec)
void management_up_down (struct management *man, const char *updown, const struct env_set *es)
void management_notify (struct management *man, const char *severity, const char *type, const char *text)
void management_notify_generic (struct management *man, const char *str)
void management_notify_client_needing_auth (struct management *management, const unsigned int auth_id, struct man_def_auth_context *mdac, const struct env_set *es)
void management_connection_established (struct management *management, struct man_def_auth_context *mdac, const struct env_set *es)
void management_notify_client_close (struct management *management, struct man_def_auth_context *mdac, const struct env_set *es)
void management_learn_addr (struct management *management, struct man_def_auth_context *mdac, const struct mroute_addr *addr, const bool primary)
void management_notify_client_cr_response (unsigned mda_key_id, const struct man_def_auth_context *mdac, const struct env_set *es, const char *response)
char * management_query_pk_sig (struct management *man, const char *b64_data, const char *algorithm)
char * management_query_cert (struct management *man, const char *cert_name)
static bool management_connected (const struct management *man)
static bool management_query_user_pass_enabled (const struct management *man)
static bool management_query_remote_enabled (const struct management *man)
static bool management_query_proxy_enabled (const struct management *man)
static bool management_enable_def_auth (const struct management *man)
void management_set_state (struct management *man, const int state, const char *detail, const in_addr_t *tun_local_ip, const struct in6_addr *tun_local_ip6, const struct openvpn_sockaddr *local_addr, const struct openvpn_sockaddr *remote_addr)
void management_echo (struct management *man, const char *string, const bool pull)
void management_auth_failure (struct management *man, const char *type, const char *reason)
void management_auth_token (struct management *man, const char *token)
void management_check_bytecount (struct context *c, struct management *man, struct timeval *timeval)
static void management_bytes_client (struct management *man, const int size_in, const int size_out)
void man_bytecount_output_server (const counter_type *bytes_in_total, const counter_type *bytes_out_total, struct man_def_auth_context *mdac)
static void management_bytes_server (struct management *man, const counter_type *bytes_in_total, const counter_type *bytes_out_total, struct man_def_auth_context *mdac)
void man_persist_client_stats (struct management *man, struct context *c)
void management_sleep (const int n)
 A sleep function that services the management layer for n seconds rather than doing nothing.


struct managementmanagement

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DAF_CONNECTION_CLOSED   (1<<1)

Definition at line 68 of file manage.h.



Definition at line 67 of file manage.h.


#define DAF_INITIAL_AUTH   (1<<2)

Definition at line 69 of file manage.h.


#define EKS_INPUT   2

Definition at line 309 of file manage.h.


#define EKS_READY   3

Definition at line 310 of file manage.h.


#define EKS_SOLICIT   1

Definition at line 308 of file manage.h.


#define EKS_UNDEF   0

Definition at line 307 of file manage.h.



Definition at line 301 of file manage.h.


#define IEC_CLIENT_AUTH   1

Definition at line 298 of file manage.h.


#define IEC_PK_SIGN   5

Definition at line 302 of file manage.h.


#define IEC_RSA_SIGN   3

Definition at line 300 of file manage.h.


#define IEC_UNDEF   0

Definition at line 297 of file manage.h.


#define LOG_ECHO_TO_LOG   (1<<11)

Definition at line 135 of file manage.h.


#define LOG_FATAL_NOTIFY   (1<<8)

Definition at line 129 of file manage.h.


#define LOG_PRINT_CRLF   (1<<7)

Definition at line 128 of file manage.h.


#define LOG_PRINT_ECHO_PREFIX   (1<<1)

Definition at line 120 of file manage.h.


#define LOG_PRINT_INT_DATE   (1<<3)

Definition at line 123 of file manage.h.


#define LOG_PRINT_INTVAL   (1<<9)

Definition at line 131 of file manage.h.


#define LOG_PRINT_LOCAL_IP   (1<<6)

Definition at line 126 of file manage.h.


#define LOG_PRINT_LOG_PREFIX   (1<<0)

Definition at line 119 of file manage.h.


#define LOG_PRINT_MSG_FLAGS   (1<<4)

Definition at line 124 of file manage.h.


#define LOG_PRINT_REMOTE_IP   (1<<10)

Definition at line 133 of file manage.h.


#define LOG_PRINT_STATE   (1<<5)

Definition at line 125 of file manage.h.


#define LOG_PRINT_STATE_PREFIX   (1<<2)

Definition at line 121 of file manage.h.



Definition at line 58 of file manage.h.



Definition at line 57 of file manage.h.



Definition at line 56 of file manage.h.



Definition at line 59 of file manage.h.



Definition at line 55 of file manage.h.


#define MANSIG_IGNORE_USR1_HUP   (1<<0)

Definition at line 260 of file manage.h.


#define MANSIG_MAP_USR1_TO_HUP   (1<<1)

Definition at line 261 of file manage.h.


#define MANSIG_MAP_USR1_TO_TERM   (1<<2)

Definition at line 262 of file manage.h.


#define MCF_SERVER   (1<<0) /* is OpenVPN being run as a server? */

Definition at line 177 of file manage.h.


#define MF_CLIENT_AUTH   (1<<6)

Definition at line 34 of file manage.h.


#define MF_CONNECT_AS_CLIENT   (1<<5)

Definition at line 33 of file manage.h.


#define MF_EXTERNAL_CERT   (1<<15)

Definition at line 43 of file manage.h.


#define MF_EXTERNAL_KEY   (1<<9)

Definition at line 37 of file manage.h.


#define MF_EXTERNAL_KEY_DIGEST   (1<<17)

Definition at line 45 of file manage.h.



Definition at line 38 of file manage.h.


#define MF_EXTERNAL_KEY_PKCS1PAD   (1<<11)

Definition at line 39 of file manage.h.


#define MF_EXTERNAL_KEY_PSSPAD   (1<<16)

Definition at line 44 of file manage.h.


#define MF_FORGET_DISCONNECT   (1<<4)

Definition at line 32 of file manage.h.


#define MF_HOLD   (1<<2)

Definition at line 30 of file manage.h.


#define MF_QUERY_PASSWORDS   (1<<1)

Definition at line 29 of file manage.h.


#define MF_QUERY_PROXY   (1<<14)

Definition at line 42 of file manage.h.


#define MF_QUERY_REMOTE   (1<<13)

Definition at line 41 of file manage.h.


#define MF_SERVER   (1<<0)

Definition at line 28 of file manage.h.


#define MF_SIGNAL   (1<<3)

Definition at line 31 of file manage.h.


#define MF_UNIX_SOCK   (1<<8)

Definition at line 36 of file manage.h.


#define MF_UP_DOWN   (1<<12)

Definition at line 40 of file manage.h.


#define MS_CC_WAIT_READ   2 /* client is connected, waiting for read on socket */

Definition at line 276 of file manage.h.


#define MS_CC_WAIT_WRITE   3 /* client is connected, waiting for ability to write to socket */

Definition at line 277 of file manage.h.


#define MS_INITIAL   0 /* all sockets are closed */

Definition at line 274 of file manage.h.


#define MS_LISTEN   1 /* no client is connected */

Definition at line 275 of file manage.h.


#define OPENVPN_STATE_ADD_ROUTES   3 /* Adding routes to system */

Definition at line 472 of file manage.h.


#define OPENVPN_STATE_ASSIGN_IP   2 /* Assigning IP address to virtual network interface */

Definition at line 471 of file manage.h.


#define OPENVPN_STATE_AUTH   8 /* Authenticating with server */

Definition at line 479 of file manage.h.


12 /* Waiting in auth-pending mode
* technically variant of GET_CONFIG */

Definition at line 483 of file manage.h.


#define OPENVPN_STATE_CLIENT_BASE   7 /* Base index of client-only states */

Definition at line 485 of file manage.h.


#define OPENVPN_STATE_CONNECTED   4 /* Initialization sequence completed */

Definition at line 473 of file manage.h.


#define OPENVPN_STATE_CONNECTING   1 /* Management interface has been initialized */

Definition at line 470 of file manage.h.


#define OPENVPN_STATE_EXITING   6 /* Exit */

Definition at line 475 of file manage.h.


#define OPENVPN_STATE_GET_CONFIG   9 /* Downloading configuration from server */

Definition at line 480 of file manage.h.


#define OPENVPN_STATE_INITIAL   0 /* Initial, undefined state */

Definition at line 469 of file manage.h.


#define OPENVPN_STATE_RECONNECTING   5 /* Restart */

Definition at line 474 of file manage.h.


#define OPENVPN_STATE_RESOLVE   10 /* DNS lookup */

Definition at line 481 of file manage.h.


#define OPENVPN_STATE_TCP_CONNECT   11 /* Connecting to TCP server */

Definition at line 482 of file manage.h.


#define OPENVPN_STATE_WAIT   7 /* Waiting for initial response from server */

Definition at line 478 of file manage.h.



Definition at line 267 of file manage.h.


#define UP_QUERY_NEED_OK   3

Definition at line 270 of file manage.h.


#define UP_QUERY_NEED_STR   4

Definition at line 271 of file manage.h.


#define UP_QUERY_PASS   2

Definition at line 269 of file manage.h.


#define UP_QUERY_USER_PASS   1

Definition at line 268 of file manage.h.

Function Documentation

◆ command_line_add()

void command_line_add ( struct command_line cl,
const unsigned char *  buf,
const int  len 

Definition at line 3898 of file manage.c.

References command_line::buf, buf_clear(), buf_write_u8(), CC_NEWLINE, CC_PRINT, and char_class().

Referenced by man_read().

◆ command_line_free()

void command_line_free ( struct command_line cl)

Definition at line 3885 of file manage.c.

References command_line::buf, command_line_reset(), free_buf(), and command_line::residual.

Referenced by man_connection_close().

◆ command_line_get()

const char * command_line_get ( struct command_line cl)

◆ command_line_new()

struct command_line * command_line_new ( const int  buf_len)

Definition at line 3868 of file manage.c.

References alloc_buf(), ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR, command_line::buf, buf_len(), and command_line::residual.

Referenced by man_connection_init().

◆ command_line_next()

void command_line_next ( struct command_line cl)

Definition at line 3930 of file manage.c.

References command_line::buf, buf_clear(), buf_copy(), and command_line::residual.

Referenced by man_read().

◆ command_line_reset()

void command_line_reset ( struct command_line cl)

Definition at line 3878 of file manage.c.

References command_line::buf, buf_clear(), and command_line::residual.

Referenced by command_line_free(), and man_reset_client_socket().

◆ log_entry_print()

const char * log_entry_print ( const struct log_entry e,
unsigned int  flags,
struct gc_arena gc 

◆ log_history_add()

void log_history_add ( struct log_history h,
const struct log_entry le 

◆ log_history_capacity()

static int log_history_capacity ( const struct log_history h)

Definition at line 164 of file manage.h.

References log_history::capacity.

◆ log_history_close()

void log_history_close ( struct log_history h)

Definition at line 4055 of file manage.c.

References log_history_free_contents().

Referenced by man_persist_close().

◆ log_history_init()

struct log_history * log_history_init ( const int  capacity)

Definition at line 4034 of file manage.c.

References ALLOC_OBJ, ASSERT, log_history::capacity, and log_history_obj_init().

Referenced by man_persist_init().

◆ log_history_ref()

const struct log_entry * log_history_ref ( const struct log_history h,
const int  index 

Definition at line 4104 of file manage.c.

References log_history::array, log_index(), and log_history::size.

Referenced by man_history().

◆ log_history_resize()

void log_history_resize ( struct log_history h,
const int  capacity 

◆ log_history_size()

static int log_history_size ( const struct log_history h)

Definition at line 158 of file manage.h.

References log_history::size.

Referenced by man_history().

◆ man_bytecount_output_server()

void man_bytecount_output_server ( const counter_type bytes_in_total,
const counter_type bytes_out_total,
struct man_def_auth_context mdac 

◆ man_persist_client_stats()

void man_persist_client_stats ( struct management man,
struct context c 

◆ management_auth_failure()

void management_auth_failure ( struct management man,
const char *  type,
const char *  reason 

Definition at line 3092 of file manage.c.

References ASSERT, M_CLIENT, and msg.

Referenced by auth_user_pass_mgmt(), receive_auth_failed(), tls_ctx_load_pkcs12(), and tls_ctx_load_priv_file().

◆ management_auth_token()

void management_auth_token ( struct management man,
const char *  token 

Definition at line 3105 of file manage.c.

References M_CLIENT, and msg.

Referenced by add_option().

◆ management_bytes_client()

static void management_bytes_client ( struct management man,
const int  size_in,
const int  size_out 

◆ management_bytes_server()

static void management_bytes_server ( struct management man,
const counter_type bytes_in_total,
const counter_type bytes_out_total,
struct man_def_auth_context mdac 

◆ management_check_bytecount()

void management_check_bytecount ( struct context c,
struct management man,
struct timeval *  timeval 

◆ management_clear_callback()

void management_clear_callback ( struct management man)

◆ management_close()

void management_close ( struct management man)

◆ management_connected()

static bool management_connected ( const struct management man)

◆ management_connection_established()

void management_connection_established ( struct management management,
struct man_def_auth_context mdac,
const struct env_set es 

◆ management_echo()

void management_echo ( struct management man,
const char *  string,
const bool  pull 

◆ management_enable_def_auth()

static bool management_enable_def_auth ( const struct management man)

◆ management_event_loop_n_seconds()

void management_event_loop_n_seconds ( struct management man,
int  sec 

◆ management_hold()

bool management_hold ( struct management man,
int  holdtime 

◆ management_init()

struct management * management_init ( void  )

◆ management_io()

void management_io ( struct management man)

◆ management_learn_addr()

void management_learn_addr ( struct management management,
struct man_def_auth_context mdac,
const struct mroute_addr addr,
const bool  primary 

◆ management_notify()

void management_notify ( struct management man,
const char *  severity,
const char *  type,
const char *  text 

Definition at line 2900 of file manage.c.

References M_CLIENT, and msg.

Referenced by receive_exit_message(), and server_pushed_signal().

◆ management_notify_client_close()

void management_notify_client_close ( struct management management,
struct man_def_auth_context mdac,
const struct env_set es 

◆ management_notify_client_cr_response()

void management_notify_client_cr_response ( unsigned  mda_key_id,
const struct man_def_auth_context mdac,
const struct env_set es,
const char *  response 

◆ management_notify_client_needing_auth()

void management_notify_client_needing_auth ( struct management management,
const unsigned int  auth_id,
struct man_def_auth_context mdac,
const struct env_set es 

◆ management_notify_generic()

void management_notify_generic ( struct management man,
const char *  str 

Definition at line 2906 of file manage.c.

References M_CLIENT, and msg.

Referenced by ce_management_query_proxy(), ce_management_query_remote(), and server_pushed_info().

◆ management_open()

bool management_open ( struct management man,
const char *  addr,
const char *  port,
const char *  pass_file,
const char *  client_user,
const char *  client_group,
const int  log_history_cache,
const int  echo_buffer_size,
const int  state_buffer_size,
const int  remap_sigusr1,
const unsigned int  flags 

◆ management_post_tunnel_open()

void management_post_tunnel_open ( struct management man,
const in_addr_t  tun_local_ip 

◆ management_pre_tunnel_close()

void management_pre_tunnel_close ( struct management man)

◆ management_query_cert()

char * management_query_cert ( struct management man,
const char *  cert_name 

◆ management_query_pk_sig()

char * management_query_pk_sig ( struct management man,
const char *  b64_data,
const char *  algorithm 

◆ management_query_proxy_enabled()

static bool management_query_proxy_enabled ( const struct management man)

Definition at line 452 of file manage.h.

References BOOL_CAST, man_settings::flags, MF_QUERY_PROXY, and management::settings.

Referenced by next_connection_entry().

◆ management_query_remote_enabled()

static bool management_query_remote_enabled ( const struct management man)

Definition at line 446 of file manage.h.

References BOOL_CAST, man_settings::flags, MF_QUERY_REMOTE, and management::settings.

Referenced by next_connection_entry().

◆ management_query_user_pass()

bool management_query_user_pass ( struct management man,
struct user_pass up,
const char *  type,
const unsigned int  flags,
const char *  static_challenge 

◆ management_query_user_pass_enabled()

static bool management_query_user_pass_enabled ( const struct management man)

Definition at line 440 of file manage.h.

References BOOL_CAST, man_settings::flags, MF_QUERY_PASSWORDS, and management::settings.

Referenced by get_user_pass_cr().

◆ management_set_callback()

void management_set_callback ( struct management man,
const struct management_callback cb 

◆ management_set_state()

void management_set_state ( struct management man,
const int  state,
const char *  detail,
const in_addr_t *  tun_local_ip,
const struct in6_addr *  tun_local_ip6,
const struct openvpn_sockaddr local_addr,
const struct openvpn_sockaddr remote_addr 

◆ management_sleep()

void management_sleep ( const int  n)

A sleep function that services the management layer for n seconds rather than doing nothing.

Definition at line 4117 of file manage.c.

References management_event_loop_n_seconds(), sleep, and win32_sleep().

Referenced by dco_connect_wait(), do_up(), exec_command(), openvpn_connect(), openvpn_getaddrinfo(), read_incoming_link(), socket_listen_accept(), socket_restart_pause(), and tuntap_set_connected().

◆ management_socket_set()

void management_socket_set ( struct management man,
struct event_set es,
void *  arg,
unsigned int *  persistent 

◆ management_up_down()

void management_up_down ( struct management man,
const char *  updown,
const struct env_set es 

Definition at line 2890 of file manage.c.

References es, man_settings::flags, M_CLIENT, man_output_env(), MF_UP_DOWN, msg, and management::settings.

Referenced by do_close_tun(), and do_route().

◆ management_would_hold()

bool management_would_hold ( struct management man)

Definition at line 3806 of file manage.c.

References buffer::len, man_standalone_ok(), and MF_HOLD.

Referenced by management_hold().

Variable Documentation

◆ management

struct management* management

Definition at line 63 of file manage.c.