Data Structures | Macros | Functions
buffer.h File Reference
#include "basic.h"
#include "error.h"
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Data Structures

struct  buffer
 Wrapper structure for dynamically allocated memory. More...
struct  gc_entry
 Garbage collection entry for one dynamically allocated block of memory. More...
struct  gc_entry_special
 Garbage collection entry for a specially allocated structure that needs a custom free function to be freed like struct addrinfo. More...
struct  gc_arena
 Garbage collection arena used to keep track of dynamically allocated memory. More...
struct  buffer_entry
struct  buffer_list


#define BUF_SIZE_MAX   1000000
#define BPTR(buf)   (buf_bptr(buf))
#define BEND(buf)   (buf_bend(buf))
#define BLAST(buf)   (buf_blast(buf))
#define BLEN(buf)   (buf_len(buf))
#define BDEF(buf)   (buf_defined(buf))
#define BSTR(buf)   (buf_str(buf))
#define BCAP(buf)   (buf_forward_capacity(buf))
#define PA_BRACKET   (1<<0)
#define buf_init(buf, offset)   buf_init_dowork(buf, offset)
#define FHE_SPACE_BREAK_MASK   0xFF /* space_break parameter in lower 8 bits */
#define FHE_CAPS   0x100 /* output hex in caps */
#define CC_ANY   (1<<0)
 any character
#define CC_NULL   (1<<1)
 null character \0
#define CC_ALNUM   (1<<2)
 alphanumeric isalnum()
#define CC_ALPHA   (1<<3)
 alphabetic isalpha()
#define CC_ASCII   (1<<4)
 ASCII character.
#define CC_CNTRL   (1<<5)
 control character iscntrl()
#define CC_DIGIT   (1<<6)
 digit isdigit()
#define CC_PRINT   (1<<7)
 printable (>= 32, != 127)
#define CC_PUNCT   (1<<8)
 punctuation ispunct()
#define CC_SPACE   (1<<9)
 whitespace isspace()
#define CC_XDIGIT   (1<<10)
 hex digit isxdigit()
#define CC_BLANK   (1<<11)
 space or tab
#define CC_NEWLINE   (1<<12)
#define CC_CR   (1<<13)
 carriage return
#define CC_BACKSLASH   (1<<14)
#define CC_UNDERBAR   (1<<15)
#define CC_DASH   (1<<16)
#define CC_DOT   (1<<17)
#define CC_COMMA   (1<<18)
#define CC_COLON   (1<<19)
#define CC_SLASH   (1<<20)
#define CC_SINGLE_QUOTE   (1<<21)
 single quote
#define CC_DOUBLE_QUOTE   (1<<22)
 double quote
#define CC_REVERSE_QUOTE   (1<<23)
 reverse quote
#define CC_AT   (1<<24)
 at sign
#define CC_EQUAL   (1<<25)
 equal sign
#define CC_LESS_THAN   (1<<26)
 less than sign
#define CC_GREATER_THAN   (1<<27)
 greater than sign
#define CC_PIPE   (1<<28)
#define CC_QUESTION_MARK   (1<<29)
 question mark
#define CC_ASTERISK   (1<<30)
 alphanumeric plus underscore
 carriage return or newline
#define verify_align_4(ptr)
#define ALLOC_OBJ(dptr, type)
#define ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR(dptr, type)
#define ALLOC_ARRAY(dptr, type, n)
#define ALLOC_ARRAY_GC(dptr, type, n, gc)
#define ALLOC_ARRAY_CLEAR(dptr, type, n)
#define ALLOC_ARRAY_CLEAR_GC(dptr, type, n, gc)
#define ALLOC_VAR_ARRAY_CLEAR_GC(dptr, type, atype, n, gc)
#define ALLOC_OBJ_GC(dptr, type, gc)
#define ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR_GC(dptr, type, gc)


void buf_clear (struct buffer *buf)
void free_buf (struct buffer *buf)
bool buf_assign (struct buffer *dest, const struct buffer *src)
void string_clear (char *str)
int string_array_len (const char **array)
size_t array_mult_safe (const size_t m1, const size_t m2, const size_t extra)
char * print_argv (const char **p, struct gc_arena *gc, const unsigned int flags)
void buf_size_error (const size_t size)
struct buffer alloc_buf (size_t size)
struct buffer alloc_buf_gc (size_t size, struct gc_arena *gc)
struct buffer clone_buf (const struct buffer *buf)
void * gc_malloc (size_t size, bool clear, struct gc_arena *a)
char * string_alloc (const char *str, struct gc_arena *gc)
struct buffer string_alloc_buf (const char *str, struct gc_arena *gc)
void gc_addspecial (void *addr, void(*free_function)(void *), struct gc_arena *a)
void * gc_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size, struct gc_arena *a)
 allows to realloc a pointer previously allocated by gc_malloc or gc_realloc
static void gc_freeaddrinfo_callback (void *addr)
static struct buffer clear_buf (void)
 Return an empty struct buffer.
static bool buf_defined (const struct buffer *buf)
static bool buf_valid (const struct buffer *buf)
static uint8_t * buf_bptr (const struct buffer *buf)
static int buf_len (const struct buffer *buf)
static uint8_t * buf_bend (const struct buffer *buf)
static uint8_t * buf_blast (const struct buffer *buf)
static bool buf_size_valid (const size_t size)
static bool buf_size_valid_signed (const int size)
static char * buf_str (const struct buffer *buf)
static void buf_reset (struct buffer *buf)
static void buf_reset_len (struct buffer *buf)
static bool buf_init_dowork (struct buffer *buf, int offset)
static void buf_set_write (struct buffer *buf, uint8_t *data, int size)
static void buf_set_read (struct buffer *buf, const uint8_t *data, size_t size)
static void strncpynt (char *dest, const char *src, size_t maxlen)
static bool has_digit (const char *src)
static void secure_memzero (void *data, size_t len)
 Securely zeroise memory.
bool buf_printf (struct buffer *buf, const char *format,...)
bool buf_puts (struct buffer *buf, const char *str)
void buf_null_terminate (struct buffer *buf)
void buf_chomp (struct buffer *buf)
void buf_rmtail (struct buffer *buf, uint8_t remove)
void chomp (char *str)
void rm_trailing_chars (char *str, const char *what_to_delete)
const char * skip_leading_whitespace (const char *str)
void string_null_terminate (char *str, int len, int capacity)
bool buffer_write_file (const char *filename, const struct buffer *buf)
 Write buffer contents to file.
void buf_catrunc (struct buffer *buf, const char *str)
bool buf_parse (struct buffer *buf, const int delim, char *line, const int size)
char * format_hex_ex (const uint8_t *data, int size, int maxoutput, unsigned int space_break_flags, const char *separator, struct gc_arena *gc)
static char * format_hex (const uint8_t *data, int size, int maxoutput, struct gc_arena *gc)
struct buffer buf_sub (struct buffer *buf, int size, bool prepend)
static bool buf_safe (const struct buffer *buf, size_t len)
static bool buf_safe_bidir (const struct buffer *buf, int len)
static int buf_forward_capacity (const struct buffer *buf)
static int buf_forward_capacity_total (const struct buffer *buf)
static int buf_reverse_capacity (const struct buffer *buf)
static bool buf_inc_len (struct buffer *buf, int inc)
static uint8_t * buf_prepend (struct buffer *buf, int size)
static bool buf_advance (struct buffer *buf, int size)
static uint8_t * buf_write_alloc (struct buffer *buf, size_t size)
static uint8_t * buf_write_alloc_prepend (struct buffer *buf, int size, bool prepend)
static uint8_t * buf_read_alloc (struct buffer *buf, int size)
static bool buf_write (struct buffer *dest, const void *src, size_t size)
static bool buf_write_prepend (struct buffer *dest, const void *src, int size)
static bool buf_write_u8 (struct buffer *dest, uint8_t data)
static bool buf_write_u16 (struct buffer *dest, uint16_t data)
static bool buf_write_u32 (struct buffer *dest, uint32_t data)
static bool buf_copy (struct buffer *dest, const struct buffer *src)
static bool buf_copy_n (struct buffer *dest, struct buffer *src, int n)
static bool buf_copy_range (struct buffer *dest, int dest_index, const struct buffer *src, int src_index, int src_len)
static bool buf_copy_excess (struct buffer *dest, struct buffer *src, int len)
static bool buf_read (struct buffer *src, void *dest, int size)
static int buf_read_u8 (struct buffer *buf)
static int buf_read_u16 (struct buffer *buf)
static uint32_t buf_read_u32 (struct buffer *buf, bool *good)
static bool buf_equal (const struct buffer *a, const struct buffer *b)
 Return true if buffer contents are equal.
static bool buf_string_match (const struct buffer *src, const void *match, int size)
 Compare src buffer contents with match.
static bool buf_string_match_head (const struct buffer *src, const void *match, int size)
 Compare first size bytes of src buffer contents with match.
bool buf_string_match_head_str (const struct buffer *src, const char *match)
bool buf_string_compare_advance (struct buffer *src, const char *match)
int buf_substring_len (const struct buffer *buf, int delim)
const char * np (const char *str)
bool char_class (const unsigned char c, const unsigned int flags)
bool string_class (const char *str, const unsigned int inclusive, const unsigned int exclusive)
bool string_mod (char *str, const unsigned int inclusive, const unsigned int exclusive, const char replace)
 Modifies a string in place by replacing certain classes of characters of it with a specified character.
bool string_check_buf (struct buffer *buf, const unsigned int inclusive, const unsigned int exclusive)
 Check a buffer if it only consists of allowed characters.
const char * string_mod_const (const char *str, const unsigned int inclusive, const unsigned int exclusive, const char replace, struct gc_arena *gc)
 Returns a copy of a string with certain classes of characters of it replaced with a specified character.
void string_replace_leading (char *str, const char match, const char replace)
static bool strprefix (const char *str, const char *prefix)
 Return true iff str starts with prefix.
void gc_transfer (struct gc_arena *dest, struct gc_arena *src)
void x_gc_free (struct gc_arena *a)
void x_gc_freespecial (struct gc_arena *a)
static bool gc_defined (struct gc_arena *a)
static void gc_init (struct gc_arena *a)
static void gc_detach (struct gc_arena *a)
static struct gc_arena gc_new (void)
static void gc_free (struct gc_arena *a)
static void gc_reset (struct gc_arena *a)
static void check_malloc_return (void *p)
struct buffer_listbuffer_list_new (void)
 Allocate an empty buffer list of capacity max_size.
void buffer_list_free (struct buffer_list *ol)
 Frees a buffer list and all the buffers in it.
bool buffer_list_defined (const struct buffer_list *ol)
 Checks if the list is valid and non-empty.
void buffer_list_reset (struct buffer_list *ol)
 Empty the list ol and frees all the contained buffers.
void buffer_list_push (struct buffer_list *ol, const char *str)
 Allocates and appends a new buffer containing str as data to ol.
struct buffer_entrybuffer_list_push_data (struct buffer_list *ol, const void *data, size_t size)
 Allocates and appends a new buffer containing data of length size.
struct bufferbuffer_list_peek (struct buffer_list *ol)
 Retrieve the head buffer.
void buffer_list_advance (struct buffer_list *ol, int n)
void buffer_list_pop (struct buffer_list *ol)
void buffer_list_aggregate (struct buffer_list *bl, const size_t max)
 Aggregates as many buffers as possible from bl in a new buffer of maximum length max_len .
void buffer_list_aggregate_separator (struct buffer_list *bl, const size_t max_len, const char *sep)
 Aggregates as many buffers as possible from bl in a new buffer of maximum length max_len .
struct buffer_listbuffer_list_file (const char *fn, int max_line_len)
struct buffer buffer_read_from_file (const char *filename, struct gc_arena *gc)
 buffer_read_from_file - copy the content of a file into a buffer

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ALLOC_ARRAY (   dptr,
{ \
check_malloc_return((dptr) = (type *) malloc(array_mult_safe(sizeof(type), (n), 0))); \
size_t array_mult_safe(const size_t m1, const size_t m2, const size_t extra)
Definition buffer.c:41

Definition at line 1066 of file buffer.h.


#define ALLOC_ARRAY_CLEAR (   dptr,
{ \
ALLOC_ARRAY(dptr, type, n); \
memset((dptr), 0, (array_mult_safe(sizeof(type), (n), 0))); \

Definition at line 1076 of file buffer.h.


#define ALLOC_ARRAY_CLEAR_GC (   dptr,
{ \
(dptr) = (type *) gc_malloc(array_mult_safe(sizeof(type), (n), 0), true, (gc)); \
void * gc_malloc(size_t size, bool clear, struct gc_arena *a)
Definition buffer.c:336
struct gc_arena gc
Definition test_ssl.c:155

Definition at line 1082 of file buffer.h.


#define ALLOC_ARRAY_GC (   dptr,
{ \
(dptr) = (type *) gc_malloc(array_mult_safe(sizeof(type), (n), 0), false, (gc)); \

Definition at line 1071 of file buffer.h.


#define ALLOC_OBJ (   dptr,
{ \
check_malloc_return((dptr) = (type *) malloc(sizeof(type))); \

Definition at line 1055 of file buffer.h.


#define ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR (   dptr,
{ \
ALLOC_OBJ(dptr, type); \
memset((dptr), 0, sizeof(type)); \

Definition at line 1060 of file buffer.h.


#define ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR_GC (   dptr,
{ \
(dptr) = (type *) gc_malloc(sizeof(type), true, (gc)); \

Definition at line 1097 of file buffer.h.


#define ALLOC_OBJ_GC (   dptr,
{ \
(dptr) = (type *) gc_malloc(sizeof(type), false, (gc)); \

Definition at line 1092 of file buffer.h.


#define ALLOC_VAR_ARRAY_CLEAR_GC (   dptr,
{ \
(dptr) = (type *) gc_malloc(array_mult_safe(sizeof(atype), (n), sizeof(type)), true, (gc)); \

Definition at line 1087 of file buffer.h.


#define BCAP (   buf)    (buf_forward_capacity(buf))

Definition at line 130 of file buffer.h.


#define BDEF (   buf)    (buf_defined(buf))

Definition at line 128 of file buffer.h.


#define BEND (   buf)    (buf_bend(buf))

Definition at line 125 of file buffer.h.


#define BLAST (   buf)    (buf_blast(buf))

Definition at line 126 of file buffer.h.


#define BLEN (   buf)    (buf_len(buf))

Definition at line 127 of file buffer.h.


#define BPTR (   buf)    (buf_bptr(buf))

Definition at line 124 of file buffer.h.


#define BSTR (   buf)    (buf_str(buf))

Definition at line 129 of file buffer.h.

◆ buf_init

#define buf_init (   buf,
)    buf_init_dowork(buf, offset)

Definition at line 209 of file buffer.h.


#define BUF_SIZE_MAX   1000000

Definition at line 30 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_ALNUM   (1<<2)

alphanumeric isalnum()

Definition at line 886 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_ALPHA   (1<<3)

alphabetic isalpha()

Definition at line 887 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_ANY   (1<<0)

any character

Definition at line 883 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_ASCII   (1<<4)

ASCII character.

Definition at line 888 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_ASTERISK   (1<<30)


Definition at line 916 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_AT   (1<<24)

at sign

Definition at line 910 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_BACKSLASH   (1<<14)


Definition at line 900 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_BLANK   (1<<11)

space or tab

Definition at line 896 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_CNTRL   (1<<5)

control character iscntrl()

Definition at line 889 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_COLON   (1<<19)


Definition at line 905 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_COMMA   (1<<18)


Definition at line 904 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_CR   (1<<13)

carriage return

Definition at line 898 of file buffer.h.



carriage return or newline

Definition at line 920 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_DASH   (1<<16)


Definition at line 902 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_DIGIT   (1<<6)

digit isdigit()

Definition at line 890 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_DOT   (1<<17)


Definition at line 903 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_DOUBLE_QUOTE   (1<<22)

double quote

Definition at line 908 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_EQUAL   (1<<25)

equal sign

Definition at line 911 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_GREATER_THAN   (1<<27)

greater than sign

Definition at line 913 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_LESS_THAN   (1<<26)

less than sign

Definition at line 912 of file buffer.h.



alphanumeric plus underscore

Definition at line 919 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_NEWLINE   (1<<12)


Definition at line 897 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_NULL   (1<<1)

null character \0

Definition at line 884 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_PIPE   (1<<28)


Definition at line 914 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_PRINT   (1<<7)

printable (>= 32, != 127)

Definition at line 891 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_PUNCT   (1<<8)

punctuation ispunct()

Definition at line 892 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_QUESTION_MARK   (1<<29)

question mark

Definition at line 915 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_REVERSE_QUOTE   (1<<23)

reverse quote

Definition at line 909 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_SINGLE_QUOTE   (1<<21)

single quote

Definition at line 907 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_SLASH   (1<<20)


Definition at line 906 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_SPACE   (1<<9)

whitespace isspace()

Definition at line 893 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_UNDERBAR   (1<<15)


Definition at line 901 of file buffer.h.


#define CC_XDIGIT   (1<<10)

hex digit isxdigit()

Definition at line 894 of file buffer.h.


#define FHE_CAPS   0x100 /* output hex in caps */

Definition at line 498 of file buffer.h.


#define FHE_SPACE_BREAK_MASK   0xFF /* space_break parameter in lower 8 bits */

Definition at line 497 of file buffer.h.


#define PA_BRACKET   (1<<0)

Definition at line 144 of file buffer.h.

◆ verify_align_4

#define verify_align_4 (   ptr)

Definition at line 991 of file buffer.h.

Function Documentation

◆ alloc_buf()

struct buffer alloc_buf ( size_t  size)

◆ alloc_buf_gc()

struct buffer alloc_buf_gc ( size_t  size,
struct gc_arena gc 

Definition at line 88 of file buffer.c.

References buf_size_error(), buf_size_valid(), buffer::capacity, buffer::data, gc, gc_malloc(), buffer::len, and buffer::offset.

Referenced by __wrap_buffer_read_from_file(), add_option(), buffer_read_from_file(), ce_management_query_proxy(), ce_management_query_remote(), check_incoming_control_channel(), construct_name_value(), crypto_pem_encode(), dco_version_string(), do_data_channel_round_trip(), do_init_frame_tls(), encrypt_one_packet(), extract_command_buffer(), fork_dhcp_action(), fork_register_dns_action(), format_common_name(), format_hex_ex(), format_ip_addr_string(), format_route_entry(), frame_print(), generate_auth_token(), get_device_guid(), get_unspecified_device_guid(), get_user_pass_cr(), hostname_randomize(), ifconfig_options_string(), ifconfig_pool_read(), ipset2ascii_all(), link_socket_connection_initiated(), log_entry_print(), management_callback_send_cc_message(), management_hold(), management_query_multiline(), management_query_user_pass(), mroute_addr_print_ex(), mroute_helper_regenerate(), msg_flags_string(), multi_instance_string(), ncp_expanded_ciphers(), netsh_get_id(), ntlm_phase_1(), options_string_compat_lzo(), options_string_version(), options_warning_safe_ml(), ovpn_expand_label(), p2p_mode_ncp(), packet_id_net_print(), packet_id_persist_print(), platform_gen_path(), plugin_mask_string(), prepare_push_reply(), prepend_dir(), print_argv(), print_default_gateway(), print_in_port_t(), print_key_id(), print_link_socket_actual_ex(), print_netmask(), print_opt_route(), print_opt_route_gateway(), print_opt_route_gateway_dhcp(), print_opt_topology(), print_sockaddr_ex(), print_str(), print_str_int(), proto2ascii_all(), protocol_dump(), push_peer_info(), read_control_auth(), reliable_ack_print(), route_string(), send_auth_failed(), send_auth_pending_messages(), send_push_reply(), send_push_reply_auth_token(), server_pushed_info(), setenv_format_indexed_name(), setenv_route(), setenv_route_addr(), setenv_route_ipv6(), socket_stat(), strerror_win32(), system_error_message(), tap_win_getinfo(), test_buffer_chomp(), test_buffer_free_gc_one(), test_buffer_free_gc_two(), test_buffer_printf_catrunc(), test_character_string_mod_buf(), test_crypto(), test_data_channel_known_vectors_run(), test_extract_control_message(), test_load_certificate_and_key_uri(), test_packet_id_write_epoch(), test_tls_crypt_v2_setup(), time_string(), tls_crypt_v2_wrap_client_key(), tls_crypt_v2_wrap_unwrap_dst_too_small(), tls_crypt_v2_wrap_unwrap_max_metadata(), tls_crypt_v2_wrap_unwrap_no_metadata(), tls_crypt_v2_write_client_key_file(), tun_stat(), tv_string(), username_password_as_base64(), verify_cert(), wide_cmd_line(), win32_version_string(), window_title_generate(), write_key_file(), write_outgoing_tls_ciphertext(), x509_get_sha1_fingerprint(), and x509_get_sha256_fingerprint().

◆ array_mult_safe()

size_t array_mult_safe ( const size_t  m1,
const size_t  m2,
const size_t  extra 

Definition at line 41 of file buffer.c.

References M_FATAL, msg, and unlikely.

◆ buf_advance()

static bool buf_advance ( struct buffer buf,
int  size 

◆ buf_assign()

bool buf_assign ( struct buffer dest,
const struct buffer src 

Definition at line 173 of file buffer.c.

References BLEN, BPTR, buf_init, buf_write(), buffer::len, and buffer::offset.

Referenced by buffer_turnover().

◆ buf_bend()

static uint8_t * buf_bend ( const struct buffer buf)

Definition at line 266 of file buffer.h.

References buf_bptr(), and buf_len().

◆ buf_blast()

static uint8_t * buf_blast ( const struct buffer buf)

Definition at line 272 of file buffer.h.

References buf_bptr(), and buf_len().

◆ buf_bptr()

static uint8_t * buf_bptr ( const struct buffer buf)

◆ buf_catrunc()

void buf_catrunc ( struct buffer buf,
const char *  str 

◆ buf_chomp()

void buf_chomp ( struct buffer buf)

◆ buf_clear()

void buf_clear ( struct buffer buf)

◆ buf_copy()

static bool buf_copy ( struct buffer dest,
const struct buffer src 

◆ buf_copy_excess()

static bool buf_copy_excess ( struct buffer dest,
struct buffer src,
int  len 

Definition at line 753 of file buffer.h.

References buf_advance(), buf_copy(), and buffer::len.

Referenced by command_line_get(), and stream_buf_added().

◆ buf_copy_n()

static bool buf_copy_n ( struct buffer dest,
struct buffer src,
int  n 

◆ buf_copy_range()

static bool buf_copy_range ( struct buffer dest,
int  dest_index,
const struct buffer src,
int  src_index,
int  src_len 

Definition at line 729 of file buffer.h.

References buffer::capacity, buffer::data, buffer::len, and buffer::offset.

Referenced by fragment_incoming().

◆ buf_defined()

static bool buf_defined ( const struct buffer buf)

◆ buf_equal()

static bool buf_equal ( const struct buffer a,
const struct buffer b 

Return true if buffer contents are equal.

Definition at line 837 of file buffer.h.

References BLEN, BPTR, and buffer::len.

Referenced by tls_crypt_v2_wrap_unwrap_max_metadata().

◆ buf_forward_capacity()

static int buf_forward_capacity ( const struct buffer buf)

◆ buf_forward_capacity_total()

static int buf_forward_capacity_total ( const struct buffer buf)

Definition at line 559 of file buffer.h.

References buf_valid(), buffer::capacity, and buffer::offset.

Referenced by buf_catrunc(), and read_control_auth().

◆ buf_inc_len()

static bool buf_inc_len ( struct buffer buf,
int  inc 

◆ buf_init_dowork()

static bool buf_init_dowork ( struct buffer buf,
int  offset 

Definition at line 319 of file buffer.h.

References buffer::capacity, buffer::data, buffer::len, and buffer::offset.

◆ buf_len()

static int buf_len ( const struct buffer buf)

◆ buf_null_terminate()

void buf_null_terminate ( struct buffer buf)

◆ buf_parse()

bool buf_parse ( struct buffer buf,
const int  delim,
char *  line,
const int  size 

◆ buf_prepend()

static uint8_t * buf_prepend ( struct buffer buf,
int  size 

◆ buf_printf()

bool buf_printf ( struct buffer buf,
const char *  format,

Definition at line 240 of file buffer.c.

References BEND, buf_defined(), buf_forward_capacity(), buffer::capacity, buffer::data, and buffer::len.

Referenced by add_delim_if_non_empty(), add_option(), ce_management_query_proxy(), ce_management_query_remote(), check_inline_file(), construct_name_value(), dco_version_string(), fork_dhcp_action(), fork_register_dns_action(), format_common_name(), format_hex_ex(), format_ip_addr_string(), format_route_entry(), frame_print(), get_device_guid(), get_unspecified_device_guid(), get_user_pass_cr(), hostname_randomize(), ifconfig_options_string(), ipset2ascii_all(), link_socket_connection_initiated(), log_entry_print(), management_callback_send_cc_message(), management_hold(), management_query_multiline(), management_query_user_pass(), mroute_addr_print_ex(), mroute_helper_regenerate(), msg_flags_string(), multi_instance_string(), ncp_expanded_ciphers(), ntlm_phase_1(), options_string(), options_string_compat_lzo(), options_warning_safe_ml(), p2p_mode_ncp(), packet_id_net_print(), packet_id_persist_print(), platform_gen_path(), plugin_mask_string(), prepare_push_reply(), prepend_dir(), print_argv(), print_default_gateway(), print_in_port_t(), print_key_id(), print_link_socket_actual_ex(), print_netmask(), print_opt_route(), print_opt_route_gateway(), print_opt_route_gateway_dhcp(), print_opt_topology(), print_sockaddr_ex(), print_str(), print_str_int(), proto2ascii_all(), protocol_dump(), push_peer_info(), read_inline_file(), reliable_ack_print(), route_string(), send_auth_failed(), send_auth_pending_messages(), send_push_options(), send_push_reply(), send_push_reply_auth_token(), server_pushed_info(), setenv_format_indexed_name(), setenv_route(), setenv_route_addr(), setenv_route_ipv6(), setenv_str_safe(), socket_stat(), strerror_win32(), system_error_message(), test_buffer_printf_catrunc(), test_load_certificate_and_key_uri(), time_string(), tls_print_deferred_options_results(), tun_stat(), tv_string(), username_password_as_base64(), verify_cert(), wide_cmd_line(), win32_print_arch(), win32_version_string(), window_title_generate(), and write_key_file().

◆ buf_puts()

bool buf_puts ( struct buffer buf,
const char *  str 

◆ buf_read()

static bool buf_read ( struct buffer src,
void *  dest,
int  size 

◆ buf_read_alloc()

static uint8_t * buf_read_alloc ( struct buffer buf,
int  size 

Definition at line 654 of file buffer.h.

References BPTR, buffer::len, and buffer::offset.

Referenced by buf_copy_n(), and buf_read().

◆ buf_read_u16()

static int buf_read_u16 ( struct buffer buf)

◆ buf_read_u32()

static uint32_t buf_read_u32 ( struct buffer buf,
bool *  good 

Definition at line 814 of file buffer.h.

References buf_read(), and buffer::len.

◆ buf_read_u8()

static int buf_read_u8 ( struct buffer buf)

◆ buf_reset()

static void buf_reset ( struct buffer buf)

◆ buf_reset_len()

static void buf_reset_len ( struct buffer buf)

◆ buf_reverse_capacity()

static int buf_reverse_capacity ( const struct buffer buf)

Definition at line 577 of file buffer.h.

References buf_valid(), and buffer::offset.

Referenced by vlan_encapsulate().

◆ buf_rmtail()

void buf_rmtail ( struct buffer buf,
uint8_t  remove 

Definition at line 518 of file buffer.c.

References BLAST, and buffer::len.

◆ buf_safe()

static bool buf_safe ( const struct buffer buf,
size_t  len 

◆ buf_safe_bidir()

static bool buf_safe_bidir ( const struct buffer buf,
int  len 

Definition at line 527 of file buffer.h.

References buf_size_valid_signed(), buf_valid(), buffer::capacity, buffer::len, and buffer::offset.

Referenced by buf_inc_len().

◆ buf_set_read()

static void buf_set_read ( struct buffer buf,
const uint8_t *  data,
size_t  size 

◆ buf_set_write()

static void buf_set_write ( struct buffer buf,
uint8_t *  data,
int  size 

◆ buf_size_error()

void buf_size_error ( const size_t  size)

Definition at line 53 of file buffer.c.

References M_FATAL, and msg.

Referenced by alloc_buf(), alloc_buf_gc(), buf_set_read(), and buf_set_write().

◆ buf_size_valid()

static bool buf_size_valid ( const size_t  size)

Definition at line 285 of file buffer.h.

References BUF_SIZE_MAX, and likely.

Referenced by alloc_buf(), alloc_buf_gc(), buf_safe(), buf_set_read(), and buf_set_write().

◆ buf_size_valid_signed()

static bool buf_size_valid_signed ( const int  size)

Definition at line 291 of file buffer.h.

References BUF_SIZE_MAX, and likely.

Referenced by buf_safe_bidir().

◆ buf_str()

static char * buf_str ( const struct buffer buf)

Definition at line 297 of file buffer.h.

References buf_bptr().

Referenced by mutate_ncp_cipher_list(), and prepare_push_reply().

◆ buf_string_compare_advance()

bool buf_string_compare_advance ( struct buffer src,
const char *  match 

Definition at line 789 of file buffer.c.

References buf_advance(), buf_string_match_head_str(), and buffer::len.

Referenced by process_incoming_push_msg(), and receive_auth_failed().

◆ buf_string_match()

static bool buf_string_match ( const struct buffer src,
const void *  match,
int  size 

Compare src buffer contents with match.

NOT constant time. Do not use when comparing HMACs.

Definition at line 847 of file buffer.h.

References BPTR, and buffer::len.

Referenced by is_ping_msg().

◆ buf_string_match_head()

static bool buf_string_match_head ( const struct buffer src,
const void *  match,
int  size 

Compare first size bytes of src buffer contents with match.

NOT constant time. Do not use when comparing HMACs.

Definition at line 861 of file buffer.h.

References BPTR, and buffer::len.

Referenced by is_occ_msg().

◆ buf_string_match_head_str()

bool buf_string_match_head_str ( const struct buffer src,
const char *  match 

◆ buf_sub()

struct buffer buf_sub ( struct buffer buf,
int  size,
bool  prepend 

◆ buf_substring_len()

int buf_substring_len ( const struct buffer buf,
int  delim 

Definition at line 803 of file buffer.c.

References buf_read_u8(), and buffer::len.

Referenced by command_line_get().

◆ buf_valid()

static bool buf_valid ( const struct buffer buf)

◆ buf_write()

static bool buf_write ( struct buffer dest,
const void *  src,
size_t  size 

◆ buf_write_alloc()

static uint8_t * buf_write_alloc ( struct buffer buf,
size_t  size 

◆ buf_write_alloc_prepend()

static uint8_t * buf_write_alloc_prepend ( struct buffer buf,
int  size,
bool  prepend 

Definition at line 648 of file buffer.h.

References buf_prepend(), buf_write_alloc(), and buffer::len.

◆ buf_write_prepend()

static bool buf_write_prepend ( struct buffer dest,
const void *  src,
int  size 

◆ buf_write_u16()

static bool buf_write_u16 ( struct buffer dest,
uint16_t  data 

◆ buf_write_u32()

static bool buf_write_u32 ( struct buffer dest,
uint32_t  data 

◆ buf_write_u8()

static bool buf_write_u8 ( struct buffer dest,
uint8_t  data 

◆ buffer_list_advance()

void buffer_list_advance ( struct buffer_list ol,
int  n 

Definition at line 1321 of file buffer.c.

References ASSERT, BLEN, buf_advance(), buffer_list_pop(), buffer_list::head, and buffer::len.

Referenced by man_write().

◆ buffer_list_aggregate()

void buffer_list_aggregate ( struct buffer_list bl,
const size_t  max 

Aggregates as many buffers as possible from bl in a new buffer of maximum length max_len .

All the aggregated buffers are removed from the list and replaced by the new one, followed by any additional (non-aggregated) data.

blthe list of buffer to aggregate
maxthe maximum length of the aggregated buffer

Definition at line 1298 of file buffer.c.

References buffer_list_aggregate_separator().

Referenced by man_write(), and management_query_multiline_flatten().

◆ buffer_list_aggregate_separator()

void buffer_list_aggregate_separator ( struct buffer_list bl,
const size_t  max_len,
const char *  sep 

Aggregates as many buffers as possible from bl in a new buffer of maximum length max_len .

sep is written after each copied buffer (also after the last one). All the aggregated buffers are removed from the list and replaced by the new one, followed by any additional (non-aggregated) data. Nothing happens if max_len is not enough to aggregate at least 2 buffers.

blthe list of buffer to aggregate
max_lenthe maximum length of the aggregated buffer
septhe separator to put between buffers during aggregation

Definition at line 1252 of file buffer.c.

References alloc_buf(), ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR, BLEN, buffer_entry::buf, buf_copy(), buf_write(), free_buf(), buffer_list::head, buffer::len, buffer_entry::next, buffer_list::size, and buffer_list::tail.

Referenced by buffer_list_aggregate(), management_query_multiline_flatten_newline(), test_buffer_list_aggregate_separator_all(), test_buffer_list_aggregate_separator_empty(), test_buffer_list_aggregate_separator_emptybuffers(), test_buffer_list_aggregate_separator_noop(), test_buffer_list_aggregate_separator_nosep(), test_buffer_list_aggregate_separator_two(), and test_buffer_list_aggregate_separator_zerolen().

◆ buffer_list_defined()

bool buffer_list_defined ( const struct buffer_list ol)

Checks if the list is valid and non-empty.

olthe list to check
true iff ol is not NULL and contains at least one buffer

Definition at line 1177 of file buffer.c.

References buffer_list::head.

Referenced by man_update_io_state(), management_query_multiline_flatten(), and management_query_multiline_flatten_newline().

◆ buffer_list_file()

struct buffer_list * buffer_list_file ( const char *  fn,
int  max_line_len 

Definition at line 1335 of file buffer.c.

References buffer_list_new(), buffer_list_push(), and platform_fopen().

Referenced by key_state_check_auth_pending_file().

◆ buffer_list_free()

void buffer_list_free ( struct buffer_list ol)

◆ buffer_list_new()

struct buffer_list * buffer_list_new ( void  )

Allocate an empty buffer list of capacity max_size.

the new list

Definition at line 1158 of file buffer.c.

References ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR, and buffer_list::size.

Referenced by buffer_list_file(), in_extra_reset(), man_connection_init(), test_buffer_list_setup(), and tls_send_payload().

◆ buffer_list_peek()

struct buffer * buffer_list_peek ( struct buffer_list ol)

◆ buffer_list_pop()

void buffer_list_pop ( struct buffer_list ol)

◆ buffer_list_push()

void buffer_list_push ( struct buffer_list ol,
const char *  str 

Allocates and appends a new buffer containing str as data to ol.

olthe list to append the new buffer to
strthe string to copy into the new buffer

Definition at line 1198 of file buffer.c.

References buffer_entry::buf, buffer_list_push_data(), and buffer::len.

Referenced by buffer_list_file(), man_output_list_push_str(), man_read(), and test_buffer_list_setup().

◆ buffer_list_push_data()

struct buffer_entry * buffer_list_push_data ( struct buffer_list ol,
const void *  data,
size_t  size 

Allocates and appends a new buffer containing data of length size.

olthe list to append the new buffer to
datathe data to copy into the new buffer
sizethe length of data to copy into the buffer
the new buffer

Definition at line 1212 of file buffer.c.

References alloc_buf(), ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR, ASSERT, buffer_entry::buf, buffer::data, buffer_list::head, buffer::len, buffer_entry::next, buffer_list::size, and buffer_list::tail.

Referenced by buffer_list_push(), test_buffer_list_setup(), and tls_send_payload().

◆ buffer_list_reset()

void buffer_list_reset ( struct buffer_list ol)

Empty the list ol and frees all the contained buffers.

olthe list to reset

Definition at line 1183 of file buffer.c.

References buffer_entry::buf, free_buf(), buffer_list::head, buffer_entry::next, buffer_list::size, and buffer_list::tail.

Referenced by buffer_list_free(), man_new_connection_post(), man_read(), and man_reset_client_socket().

◆ buffer_read_from_file()

struct buffer buffer_read_from_file ( const char *  filename,
struct gc_arena gc 

buffer_read_from_file - copy the content of a file into a buffer

filenamepath to the file to read
gcthe garbage collector to use when allocating the buffer. It is passed to alloc_buf_gc() and therefore can be NULL.
the buffer storing the file content or an invalid buffer in case of error

Definition at line 1358 of file buffer.c.

References alloc_buf_gc(), ASSERT, BPTR, buf_inc_len(), buf_null_terminate(), cleanup(), free_buf_gc(), gc, buffer::len, platform_fopen(), and platform_stat().

Referenced by connection_entry_preload_key(), crypto_pem_encode_certificate(), key_state_check_auth_failed_message_file(), read_key_file(), and read_pem_key_file().

◆ buffer_write_file()

bool buffer_write_file ( const char *  filename,
const struct buffer buf 

Write buffer contents to file.

filenameThe filename to write the buffer to.
bufThe buffer to write to the file.
true on success, false otherwise.

Definition at line 300 of file buffer.c.

References BLEN, BPTR, cleanup(), buffer::len, M_ERRNO, msg, platform_open(), and write.

Referenced by tls_crypt_v2_verify_metadata(), tls_crypt_v2_write_client_key_file(), write_key_file(), and write_pem_key_file().

◆ char_class()

bool char_class ( const unsigned char  c,
const unsigned int  flags 

◆ check_malloc_return()

static void check_malloc_return ( void *  p)

◆ chomp()

void chomp ( char *  str)

◆ clear_buf()

static struct buffer clear_buf ( void  )

◆ clone_buf()

struct buffer clone_buf ( const struct buffer buf)

◆ format_hex()

static char * format_hex ( const uint8_t *  data,
int  size,
int  maxoutput,
struct gc_arena gc 

◆ format_hex_ex()

char * format_hex_ex ( const uint8_t *  data,
int  size,
int  maxoutput,
unsigned int  space_break_flags,
const char *  separator,
struct gc_arena gc 

◆ free_buf()

void free_buf ( struct buffer buf)

◆ gc_addspecial()

void gc_addspecial ( void *  addr,
void(*)(void *)  free_function,
struct gc_arena a 

◆ gc_defined()

static bool gc_defined ( struct gc_arena a)

Definition at line 1006 of file buffer.h.

References buffer::len.

◆ gc_detach()

static void gc_detach ( struct gc_arena a)

Definition at line 1019 of file buffer.h.

References gc_init(), and buffer::len.

Referenced by inherit_context_top(), and options_detach().

◆ gc_free()

static void gc_free ( struct gc_arena a)

Definition at line 1033 of file buffer.h.

References gc_arena::list, gc_arena::list_special, x_gc_free(), and x_gc_freespecial().

Referenced by adapter_index_of_ip(), add_option(), add_route(), add_route_ipapi(), add_route_ipv6(), argv_free(), argv_msg(), argv_msg_prefix(), argv_str__empty_argv__empty_output(), argv_str__multiple_argv__correct_output(), backend_x509_get_username(), ccs_gen_config_file(), ccs_gen_deferred_ret_file(), ce_management_query_proxy(), ce_management_query_remote(), check_addr_clash(), check_auth_pending_method(), check_file_access_chroot(), check_for_client_reason(), check_incoming_control_channel(), check_session_cipher(), check_stale_routes(), cleanup(), clear_route_ipv6_list(), clear_route_list(), close_instance(), close_tun(), context_gc_free(), crypto_pem_encode_certificate(), crypto_pem_encode_decode_loopback(), crypto_test_epoch_teardown(), dco_win_add_iroute_ipv4(), dco_win_add_iroute_ipv6(), dco_win_del_iroute_ipv4(), dco_win_del_iroute_ipv6(), del_route_ipapi(), delete_route(), delete_route_ipv6(), delete_temp_addresses(), dhcp_extract_router_msg(), dhcp_masq_addr(), dhcp_release_by_adapter_index(), dhcp_renew_by_adapter_index(), dhcp_status(), do_address_service(), do_close_tun(), do_compute_occ_strings(), do_data_channel_round_trip(), do_dns_domain_service(), do_dns_service(), do_ifconfig_ipv4(), do_ifconfig_ipv6(), do_ifconfig_setenv(), do_open_tun(), do_pre_decrypt_check(), do_route_service(), do_set_mtu_service(), do_wins_service(), drop_if_recursive_routing(), ecdsa_sign_sig(), encrypt_one_packet(), establish_http_proxy_passthru(), export_user_keying_material(), fork_dhcp_action(), fork_register_dns_action(), frame_print(), gc_reset(), generate_auth_token(), generate_key_random(), generate_prefix(), get_adapter_index_method_2(), get_bypass_addresses(), get_default_gateway(), get_default_gateway_ipv6(), get_default_gateway_row(), get_p2p_ncp_cipher(), get_user_pass_cr(), handle_data_channel_packet(), helper_client_server(), ifconfig_pool_init(), ifconfig_pool_list(), ifconfig_pool_read(), ifconfig_pool_verify_range(), ifconfig_sanity_check(), incoming_push_message(), init_key_ctx(), init_route_ipv6_list(), init_route_list(), init_ssl(), init_static(), ip_addr_string_to_array(), key_method_2_read(), key_print(), key_source_print(), key_state_gen_auth_control_files(), learn_address_script(), link_socket_bad_incoming_addr(), link_socket_connection_initiated(), linksock_print_addr(), man_connect(), man_dispatch_command(), man_history(), man_io_error(), man_kill(), man_listen(), man_new_connection_post(), man_output_extra_env(), man_process_command(), management_callback_send_cc_message(), management_echo(), management_hold(), management_learn_addr(), management_notify_client_cr_response(), management_query_multiline(), management_query_user_pass(), management_set_state(), mroute_extract_addr_ip(), mroute_helper_regenerate(), multi_add_iroutes(), multi_client_connect_call_script(), multi_client_connect_late_setup(), multi_client_connect_setenv(), multi_client_set_protocol_options(), multi_create_instance(), multi_create_instance_tcp(), multi_get_create_instance_udp(), multi_get_instance_by_virtual_addr(), multi_instance_dec_refcount(), multi_io_post(), multi_learn_addr(), multi_print_status(), multi_process_float(), multi_process_incoming_link(), multi_reap_range(), multi_select_virtual_addr(), ncp_get_best_cipher(), netsh_ifconfig(), netsh_ifconfig_options(), netsh_set_dns6_servers(), open_tun(), open_tun_afunix(), openvpn_decrypt_aead(), openvpn_decrypt_v1(), openvpn_encrypt_aead(), openvpn_encrypt_v1(), openvpn_execve(), openvpn_execve_check(), openvpn_getaddrinfo(), openvpn_popen(), options_cmp_equal_safe(), options_warning_extract_parm1(), options_warning_safe_ml(), options_warning_safe_scan1(), options_warning_safe_scan2(), ovpn_dco_init_mp(), ovpn_expand_label(), p2p_mode_ncp(), packet_id_persist_load(), packet_id_persist_save(), parse_auth_failed_temp(), parse_hash_fingerprint_multiline(), platform_access(), platform_chdir(), platform_fopen(), platform_open(), platform_stat(), platform_unlink(), plugin_call_item(), plugin_call_ssl(), plugin_common_open(), plugin_init_item(), plugin_open_item(), plugin_option_list_print(), plugin_vlog(), pre_connect_restore(), print_client_nat_list(), print_default_gateway(), print_key_id_not_found_reason(), print_pkt(), print_route(), print_status(), process_incoming_link_part1(), process_incoming_push_request(), process_incoming_tun(), process_outgoing_link(), push_peer_info(), read_control_auth(), read_key_file(), read_pem_key_file(), recv_socks_reply(), redirect_stdout_stderr(), register_dns_service(), reliable_ack_read(), reliable_can_get(), reliable_can_send(), reliable_get_buf_output_sequenced(), reliable_get_num_output_sequenced_available(), reliable_not_replay(), reliable_send_timeout(), reliable_wont_break_sequentiality(), remove_iroutes_from_push_route_list(), resolve_bind_local(), resolve_remote(), route_ipv6_ipapi(), route_quota_exceeded(), run_up_down(), send_auth_failed(), send_auth_pending_messages(), send_control_channel_string_dowork(), send_msg_iservice(), send_push_reply(), send_push_reply_auth_token(), server_pushed_info(), service_enable_dhcp(), service_register_ring_buffers(), session_move_pre_start(), setenv_dns_options(), setenv_int_i(), setenv_route(), setenv_route_addr(), setenv_route_ipv6(), setenv_str_ex(), setenv_str_i(), show_adapters(), show_dco_version(), show_dhcp_option_addrs(), show_dns_options(), show_p2mp_parms(), show_routes(), show_settings(), show_tap_win_adapters(), show_windows_version(), socket_bind(), socket_connect(), socket_do_listen(), socket_listen_accept(), socket_recv_queue(), socket_send_queue(), tap_allow_nonadmin_access(), tcp_connection_established(), test_buffer_chomp(), test_buffer_format_hex_ex(), test_buffer_free_gc_one(), test_buffer_free_gc_two(), test_buffer_gc_realloc(), test_buffer_printf_catrunc(), test_character_string_mod_buf(), test_check_ncp_ciphers_list(), test_cipher_names(), test_compat_lzo_string(), test_crypto(), test_data_channel_known_vectors_run(), test_extract_client_ciphers(), test_extract_control_message(), test_list(), test_local_addr(), test_mssfix_mtu_calculation(), test_ncp_best(), test_ncp_default(), test_ncp_expand(), test_occ_mtu_calculation(), test_packet_id_write_teardown(), test_poor_man(), test_routes(), test_tls_crypt_secure_reneg_key(), test_tls_crypt_v2_teardown(), tls_authentication_status(), tls_crypt_unwrap(), tls_crypt_v2_unwrap_client_key(), tls_crypt_v2_verify_metadata(), tls_crypt_v2_write_client_key_file(), tls_crypt_wrap(), tls_ctx_set_tls_groups(), tls_multi_process(), tls_pre_decrypt(), tls_pre_decrypt_lite(), tls_pre_encrypt(), tls_session_init(), tls_update_remote_addr(), trigger_ping_timeout_signal(), tun_read_queue(), tun_write_queue(), tuntap_dhcp_mask(), tuntap_set_ip_addr(), tuntap_set_ptp(), undo_ifconfig_ipv4(), undo_ifconfig_ipv6(), uninit_options(), verify_255_255_255_252(), verify_callback(), verify_cert(), verify_cert_call_command(), verify_cert_set_env(), verify_check_crl_dir(), verify_common_subnet(), verify_crresponse_script(), verify_final_auth_checks(), verify_user_pass_script(), virtual_output_callback_func(), warn_on_use_of_common_subnets(), win32_signal_open(), win_wfp_block_service(), win_wfp_msg_handler(), window_title_generate(), windows_route_find_if_index(), write_key_file(), write_outgoing_tls_ciphertext(), write_pem_key_file(), x509_setenv_track(), x_check_status(), and x_msg_va().

◆ gc_freeaddrinfo_callback()

static void gc_freeaddrinfo_callback ( void *  addr)

Definition at line 215 of file buffer.h.

Referenced by do_preresolve_host(), and init_route_list().

◆ gc_init()

static void gc_init ( struct gc_arena a)

◆ gc_malloc()

void * gc_malloc ( size_t  size,
bool  clear,
struct gc_arena a 

◆ gc_new()

static struct gc_arena gc_new ( void  )

Definition at line 1025 of file buffer.h.

References gc_init().

Referenced by adapter_index_of_ip(), add_option(), add_route(), add_route_ipapi(), add_route_ipv6(), argv_init(), argv_msg(), argv_msg_prefix(), argv_str__empty_argv__empty_output(), argv_str__multiple_argv__correct_output(), backend_x509_get_username(), ccs_gen_config_file(), ccs_gen_deferred_ret_file(), ce_management_query_proxy(), ce_management_query_remote(), check_addr_clash(), check_auth_pending_method(), check_file_access_chroot(), check_for_client_reason(), check_incoming_control_channel(), check_session_cipher(), check_stale_routes(), close_tun(), crypto_pem_encode_certificate(), crypto_pem_encode_decode_loopback(), crypto_test_epoch_setup(), dco_win_add_iroute_ipv4(), dco_win_add_iroute_ipv6(), dco_win_del_iroute_ipv4(), dco_win_del_iroute_ipv6(), del_route_ipapi(), delete_route(), delete_route_ipv6(), delete_temp_addresses(), dhcp_extract_router_msg(), dhcp_masq_addr(), dhcp_release_by_adapter_index(), dhcp_renew_by_adapter_index(), dhcp_status(), do_address_service(), do_close_tun(), do_compute_occ_strings(), do_data_channel_round_trip(), do_dns_domain_service(), do_dns_service(), do_ifconfig_ipv4(), do_ifconfig_ipv6(), do_ifconfig_setenv(), do_open_tun(), do_pre_decrypt_check(), do_route_service(), do_set_mtu_service(), do_wins_service(), drop_if_recursive_routing(), ecdsa_sign_sig(), encrypt_one_packet(), establish_http_proxy_passthru(), export_user_keying_material(), fork_dhcp_action(), fork_register_dns_action(), frame_print(), generate_auth_token(), generate_key_random(), generate_prefix(), get_adapter_index_method_2(), get_bypass_addresses(), get_default_gateway(), get_default_gateway_ipv6(), get_default_gateway_row(), get_p2p_ncp_cipher(), get_user_pass_cr(), handle_data_channel_packet(), helper_client_server(), ifconfig_pool_init(), ifconfig_pool_list(), ifconfig_pool_read(), ifconfig_pool_verify_range(), ifconfig_sanity_check(), incoming_push_message(), inherit_context_child(), init(), init_key_ctx(), init_route_ipv6_list(), init_route_list(), init_ssl(), init_static(), ip_addr_string_to_array(), key_method_2_read(), key_print(), key_source_print(), key_state_gen_auth_control_files(), learn_address_script(), link_socket_bad_incoming_addr(), link_socket_connection_initiated(), linksock_print_addr(), man_connect(), man_dispatch_command(), man_history(), man_io_error(), man_kill(), man_listen(), man_new_connection_post(), man_output_extra_env(), man_process_command(), management_callback_send_cc_message(), management_echo(), management_hold(), management_learn_addr(), management_notify_client_cr_response(), management_query_multiline(), management_query_user_pass(), management_set_state(), mroute_extract_addr_ip(), mroute_helper_regenerate(), multi_add_iroutes(), multi_client_connect_call_script(), multi_client_connect_late_setup(), multi_client_connect_setenv(), multi_client_set_protocol_options(), multi_create_instance(), multi_create_instance_tcp(), multi_get_create_instance_udp(), multi_get_instance_by_virtual_addr(), multi_io_post(), multi_learn_addr(), multi_print_status(), multi_process_float(), multi_process_incoming_link(), multi_reap_range(), multi_select_virtual_addr(), ncp_get_best_cipher(), netsh_ifconfig(), netsh_ifconfig_options(), netsh_set_dns6_servers(), open_tun(), open_tun_afunix(), openvpn_execve(), openvpn_execve_check(), openvpn_getaddrinfo(), openvpn_popen(), options_cmp_equal_safe(), options_warning_extract_parm1(), options_warning_safe_ml(), options_warning_safe_scan1(), options_warning_safe_scan2(), ovpn_dco_init_mp(), ovpn_expand_label(), p2p_mode_ncp(), packet_id_persist_load(), packet_id_persist_save(), parse_auth_failed_temp(), parse_hash_fingerprint_multiline(), platform_access(), platform_chdir(), platform_fopen(), platform_open(), platform_stat(), platform_unlink(), plugin_call_item(), plugin_call_ssl(), plugin_common_open(), plugin_init_item(), plugin_open_item(), plugin_option_list_print(), pre_connect_restore(), print_client_nat_list(), print_default_gateway(), print_key_id_not_found_reason(), print_pkt(), print_route(), print_status(), process_incoming_link_part1(), process_incoming_push_request(), process_incoming_tun(), process_outgoing_link(), push_peer_info(), read_control_auth(), read_key_file(), read_pem_key_file(), recv_socks_reply(), redirect_stdout_stderr(), register_dns_service(), reliable_ack_read(), reliable_can_get(), reliable_can_send(), reliable_get_buf_output_sequenced(), reliable_get_num_output_sequenced_available(), reliable_not_replay(), reliable_send_timeout(), reliable_wont_break_sequentiality(), remove_iroutes_from_push_route_list(), resolve_bind_local(), resolve_remote(), route_ipv6_ipapi(), route_quota_exceeded(), run_up_down(), send_auth_failed(), send_auth_pending_messages(), send_control_channel_string_dowork(), send_msg_iservice(), send_push_reply(), send_push_reply_auth_token(), server_pushed_info(), service_enable_dhcp(), service_register_ring_buffers(), session_move_pre_start(), setenv_dns_options(), setenv_int_i(), setenv_route(), setenv_route_addr(), setenv_route_ipv6(), setenv_str_ex(), setenv_str_i(), show_adapters(), show_dco_version(), show_dhcp_option_addrs(), show_dns_options(), show_p2mp_parms(), show_routes(), show_settings(), show_tap_win_adapters(), show_windows_version(), socket_bind(), socket_connect(), socket_do_listen(), socket_listen_accept(), socket_recv_queue(), socket_send_queue(), tap_allow_nonadmin_access(), tcp_connection_established(), test_buffer_chomp(), test_buffer_format_hex_ex(), test_buffer_free_gc_one(), test_buffer_free_gc_two(), test_buffer_gc_realloc(), test_buffer_printf_catrunc(), test_character_string_mod_buf(), test_check_ncp_ciphers_list(), test_cipher_names(), test_compat_lzo_string(), test_crypto(), test_data_channel_known_vectors_run(), test_extract_client_ciphers(), test_extract_control_message(), test_list(), test_local_addr(), test_mssfix_mtu_calculation(), test_ncp_best(), test_ncp_default(), test_ncp_expand(), test_occ_mtu_calculation(), test_packet_id_write_setup(), test_poor_man(), test_routes(), test_tls_crypt_secure_reneg_key(), test_tls_crypt_v2_setup(), tls_authentication_status(), tls_crypt_v2_unwrap_client_key(), tls_crypt_v2_verify_metadata(), tls_crypt_v2_write_client_key_file(), tls_ctx_set_tls_groups(), tls_multi_process(), tls_pre_decrypt(), tls_pre_decrypt_lite(), tls_pre_encrypt(), tls_session_init(), tls_update_remote_addr(), trigger_ping_timeout_signal(), tun_read_queue(), tun_write_queue(), tuntap_dhcp_mask(), tuntap_set_ip_addr(), tuntap_set_ptp(), undo_ifconfig_ipv4(), undo_ifconfig_ipv6(), verify_255_255_255_252(), verify_callback(), verify_cert(), verify_cert_call_command(), verify_cert_set_env(), verify_check_crl_dir(), verify_common_subnet(), verify_crresponse_script(), verify_final_auth_checks(), verify_user_pass_script(), virtual_output_callback_func(), warn_on_use_of_common_subnets(), win32_signal_open(), win_wfp_block_service(), win_wfp_msg_handler(), window_title_generate(), windows_route_find_if_index(), windows_set_mtu(), write_key_file(), write_outgoing_tls_ciphertext(), write_pem_key_file(), x509_setenv_track(), and x_check_status().

◆ gc_realloc()

void * gc_realloc ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size,
struct gc_arena a 

allows to realloc a pointer previously allocated by gc_malloc or gc_realloc

only use this function on pointers returned by gc_malloc or re_alloc with the same gc_arena
ptrPointer of the previously allocated memory
sizeNew size
agc_arena to use
new pointer

Definition at line 370 of file buffer.c.

References gc_entry_special::addr, ASSERT, check_malloc_return(), gc_addspecial(), gc_arena::list_special, and gc_entry_special::next.

Referenced by alloc_connection_entry(), alloc_remote_entry(), and test_buffer_gc_realloc().

◆ gc_reset()

static void gc_reset ( struct gc_arena a)

Definition at line 1046 of file buffer.h.

References gc_free().

Referenced by openvpn_main().

◆ gc_transfer()

void gc_transfer ( struct gc_arena dest,
struct gc_arena src 

Definition at line 460 of file buffer.c.

References gc_arena::list, and gc_entry::next.

Referenced by add_option().

◆ has_digit()

static bool has_digit ( const char *  src)

Definition at line 372 of file buffer.h.

Referenced by tun_name_is_fixed().

◆ np()

const char * np ( const char *  str)

Definition at line 860 of file buffer.c.

References buffer::len.

◆ print_argv()

char * print_argv ( const char **  p,
struct gc_arena gc,
const unsigned int  flags 

◆ rm_trailing_chars()

void rm_trailing_chars ( char *  str,
const char *  what_to_delete 

Definition at line 623 of file buffer.c.

References buffer::len.

Referenced by chomp().

◆ secure_memzero()

static void secure_memzero ( void *  data,
size_t  len 

Securely zeroise memory.

This code and description are based on code supplied by Zhaomo Yang, of the University of California, San Diego (which was released into the public domain).

The secure_memzero function attempts to ensure that an optimizing compiler does not remove the intended operation if cleared memory is not accessed again by the program. This code has been tested under Clang 3.9.0 and GCC 6.2 with optimization flags -O, -Os, -O0, -O1, -O2, and -O3 on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS; under Clang 3.9.0 with optimization flags -O, -Os, -O0, -O1, -O2, and -O3 on FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE; under Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 with optimization flags /O1, /O2 and /Ox on Windows 10.

Theory of operation:

  1. On Windows, use the SecureZeroMemory which ensures that data is overwritten.
  2. Under GCC or Clang, use a memory barrier, which forces the preceding memset to be carried out. The overhead of a memory barrier is usually negligible.
  3. If none of the above are available, use the volatile pointer technique to zero memory one byte at a time.
dataPointer to data to zeroise.
lenLength of data, in bytes.

Definition at line 414 of file buffer.h.

Referenced by buf_clear(), crypto_read_openvpn_key(), establish_http_proxy_passthru(), export_user_keying_material(), generate_key_expansion(), generate_key_expansion_openvpn_prf(), init_epoch_keys(), key_method_2_read(), key_method_2_write(), key_state_export_keying_material(), key_state_free(), management_query_user_pass(), move_session(), purge_user_pass(), read_config_file(), read_config_string(), read_inline_file(), remove_env_item(), socks_username_password_auth(), string_clear(), tls_crypt_v2_extract_client_key(), tls_crypt_v2_init_server_key(), tls_crypt_v2_unwrap_client_key(), tls_crypt_v2_write_client_key_file(), tls_multi_free(), tls_session_free(), tls_session_generate_data_channel_keys(), tls_session_generate_dynamic_tls_crypt_key(), tls_wrap_free(), username_password_as_base64(), wipe_auth_token(), write_key_file(), and write_pem_key_file().

◆ skip_leading_whitespace()

const char * skip_leading_whitespace ( const char *  str)

Definition at line 579 of file buffer.c.

References buffer::len.

Referenced by make_inline_array().

◆ string_alloc()

char * string_alloc ( const char *  str,
struct gc_arena gc 

◆ string_alloc_buf()

struct buffer string_alloc_buf ( const char *  str,
struct gc_arena gc 

Definition at line 752 of file buffer.c.

References ASSERT, buf_set_read(), gc, buffer::len, and string_alloc().

Referenced by options_warning_extract_parm1().

◆ string_array_len()

int string_array_len ( const char **  array)

◆ string_check_buf()

bool string_check_buf ( struct buffer buf,
const unsigned int  inclusive,
const unsigned int  exclusive 

Check a buffer if it only consists of allowed characters.

bufThe buffer to be checked.
inclusiveThe character classes that are allowed.
exclusiveCharacter classes that are not allowed even if they are also in inclusive.
True if the string consists only of allowed characters, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1073 of file buffer.c.

References ASSERT, BLEN, BSTR, char_inc_exc(), and buffer::len.

Referenced by extract_command_buffer(), test_buffer_chomp(), and test_character_string_mod_buf().

◆ string_class()

bool string_class ( const char *  str,
const unsigned int  inclusive,
const unsigned int  exclusive 

Definition at line 1022 of file buffer.c.

References ASSERT, char_inc_exc(), and buffer::len.

Referenced by dns_addr_safe(), openvpn_inet_aton(), push_option_ex(), and wide_cmd_line().

◆ string_clear()

void string_clear ( char *  str)

◆ string_mod()

bool string_mod ( char *  str,
const unsigned int  inclusive,
const unsigned int  exclusive,
const char  replace 

Modifies a string in place by replacing certain classes of characters of it with a specified character.

Guaranteed to not increase the length of the string. If replace is 0, characters are skipped instead of replaced.

strThe string to be modified.
inclusiveThe character classes not to be replaced.
exclusiveCharacter classes to be replaced even if they are also in inclusive.
replaceThe character to replace the specified character classes with.
True if the string was not modified, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1041 of file buffer.c.

References ASSERT, char_inc_exc(), and buffer::len.

Referenced by do_setenv_x509(), get_user_pass_cr(), string_mod_const(), string_mod_remap_name(), test_character_class(), test_load_certificate_and_key_uri(), verify_user_pass(), wide_cmd_line(), and x509_setenv().

◆ string_mod_const()

const char * string_mod_const ( const char *  str,
const unsigned int  inclusive,
const unsigned int  exclusive,
const char  replace,
struct gc_arena gc 

Returns a copy of a string with certain classes of characters of it replaced with a specified character.

If replace is 0, characters are skipped instead of replaced.

strThe input string to be modified.
inclusiveCharacter classes not to be replaced.
exclusiveCharacter classes to be replaced even if they are also in inclusive.
replaceThe character to replace the specified character classes with.
gcThe garbage collector arena to allocate memory from.
The modified string with characters replaced within the specified range.

Definition at line 1090 of file buffer.c.

References gc, buffer::len, string_alloc(), and string_mod().

Referenced by platform_gen_path(), safe_print(), and setenv_str_ex().

◆ string_null_terminate()

void string_null_terminate ( char *  str,
int  len,
int  capacity 

Definition at line 597 of file buffer.c.

References ASSERT, buffer::capacity, and buffer::len.

Referenced by get_console_input_win32().

◆ string_replace_leading()

void string_replace_leading ( char *  str,
const char  match,
const char  replace 

Definition at line 1109 of file buffer.c.

References ASSERT, and buffer::len.

Referenced by verify_cert().

◆ strncpynt()

static void strncpynt ( char *  dest,
const char *  src,
size_t  maxlen 

◆ strprefix()

static bool strprefix ( const char *  str,
const char *  prefix 

Return true iff str starts with prefix.

Definition at line 977 of file buffer.h.

References buffer::len.

Referenced by is_tun_afunix(), options_warning_safe_scan2(), push_update_digest(), and test_buffer_strprefix().

◆ x_gc_free()

void x_gc_free ( struct gc_arena a)

Definition at line 403 of file buffer.c.

References gc_arena::list, and gc_entry::next.

Referenced by gc_free().

◆ x_gc_freespecial()

void x_gc_freespecial ( struct gc_arena a)