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ssl_verify.c File Reference

Control Channel Verification Module. More...

#include "syshead.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "base64.h"
#include "manage.h"
#include "otime.h"
#include "run_command.h"
#include "ssl_verify.h"
#include "ssl_verify_backend.h"
#include "ssl_verify_openssl.h"
#include "auth_token.h"
#include "push.h"
#include "ssl_util.h"
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#define TLS_USERNAME_LEN   64
 Maximum length of common name.
#define KMDA_ERROR   0
#define KMDA_SUCCESS   1
#define KMDA_UNDEF   2
#define KMDA_DEF   3


static void string_mod_remap_name (char *str)
static void setenv_untrusted (struct tls_session *session)
static void tls_deauthenticate (struct tls_multi *multi)
static void set_common_name (struct tls_session *session, const char *common_name)
const char * tls_common_name (const struct tls_multi *multi, const bool null)
 Returns the common name field for the given tunnel.
void tls_lock_common_name (struct tls_multi *multi)
 Locks the common name field for the given tunnel.
static bool tls_lock_username (struct tls_multi *multi, const char *username)
const char * tls_username (const struct tls_multi *multi, const bool null)
 Returns the username field for the given tunnel.
void cert_hash_remember (struct tls_session *session, const int error_depth, const struct buffer *cert_hash)
void cert_hash_free (struct cert_hash_set *chs)
 Frees the given set of certificate hashes.
bool cert_hash_compare (const struct cert_hash_set *chs1, const struct cert_hash_set *chs2)
 Compares certificates hashes, returns true if hashes are equal.
static struct cert_hash_setcert_hash_copy (const struct cert_hash_set *chs)
void tls_lock_cert_hash_set (struct tls_multi *multi)
 Locks the certificate hash set used in the given tunnel.
static const char * print_nsCertType (int type)
static result_t verify_peer_cert (const struct tls_options *opt, openvpn_x509_cert_t *peer_cert, const char *subject, const char *common_name)
static void verify_cert_set_env (struct env_set *es, openvpn_x509_cert_t *peer_cert, int cert_depth, const char *subject, const struct x509_track *x509_track)
static bool verify_cert_cert_export_env (struct env_set *es, openvpn_x509_cert_t *peer_cert, const char *pem_export_fname)
 Exports the certificate in peer_cert into the environment and adds the filname.
static void verify_cert_cert_delete_env (struct env_set *es, const char *pem_export_fname)
static result_t verify_cert_call_plugin (const struct plugin_list *plugins, struct env_set *es, int cert_depth, openvpn_x509_cert_t *cert, char *subject)
static result_t verify_cert_call_command (const char *verify_command, struct env_set *es, int cert_depth, char *subject)
static result_t verify_check_crl_dir (const char *crl_dir, openvpn_x509_cert_t *cert, const char *subject, int cert_depth)
result_t verify_cert (struct tls_session *session, openvpn_x509_cert_t *cert, int cert_depth)
void auth_set_client_reason (struct tls_multi *multi, const char *client_reason)
 Sets the reason why authentication of a client failed.
static enum auth_deferred_result man_def_auth_test (const struct key_state *ks)
static void key_state_rm_auth_pending_file (struct auth_deferred_status *ads)
 Removes auth_pending file from the file system and key_state structure.
static bool check_auth_pending_method (const char *peer_info, const char *method)
 Check peer_info if the client supports the requested pending auth method.
static bool key_state_check_auth_pending_file (struct auth_deferred_status *ads, struct tls_multi *multi, struct tls_session *session)
 Checks if the deferred state should also send auth pending request to the client.
void key_state_rm_auth_control_files (struct auth_deferred_status *ads)
 Removes auth_pending and auth_control files from file system and key_state structure.
static bool key_state_gen_auth_control_files (struct auth_deferred_status *ads, const struct tls_options *opt)
 Generates and creates the control files used for deferred authentification in the temporary directory.
static char * key_state_check_auth_failed_message_file (const struct auth_deferred_status *ads, struct gc_arena *gc)
 Checks if the auth failed reason file has any content and if yes it will be returned as string allocated in gc to the caller.
static enum auth_deferred_result key_state_test_auth_control_file (struct auth_deferred_status *ads, bool cached)
 Checks the auth control status from a file.
static void update_key_auth_status (bool cached, struct key_state *ks)
 This method takes a key_state and if updates the state of the key if it is deferred.
static bool tls_authentication_status_use_cache (struct tls_multi *multi)
 uses cache_intervals times to determine if we should update the cache.
enum tls_auth_status tls_authentication_status (struct tls_multi *multi)
 Return current session authentication state of the tls_multi structure This will return TLS_AUTHENTICATION_SUCCEEDED only if the session is fully authenticated, i.e.
bool tls_authenticate_key (struct tls_multi *multi, const unsigned int mda_key_id, const bool auth, const char *client_reason)
static void check_for_client_reason (struct tls_multi *multi, struct auth_deferred_status *status)
 Check if the script/plugin left a message in the auth failed message file and relay it to the user.
static int verify_user_pass_script (struct tls_session *session, struct tls_multi *multi, const struct user_pass *up)
void verify_crresponse_plugin (struct tls_multi *multi, const char *cr_response)
void verify_crresponse_script (struct tls_multi *multi, const char *cr_response)
 Runs the –client-crresponse script if one is defined.
static int verify_user_pass_plugin (struct tls_session *session, struct tls_multi *multi, const struct user_pass *up)
static int verify_user_pass_management (struct tls_session *session, const struct user_pass *up)
static bool set_verify_user_pass_env (struct user_pass *up, struct tls_multi *multi, struct tls_session *session)
void verify_user_pass (struct user_pass *up, struct tls_multi *multi, struct tls_session *session)
 Main username/password verification entry point.
void verify_final_auth_checks (struct tls_multi *multi, struct tls_session *session)
 Perform final authentication checks, including locking of the cn, the allowed certificate hashes, and whether a client config entry exists in the client config directory.
void tls_x509_clear_env (struct env_set *es)
 Remove any X509_ env variables from env_set es.


static time_t cache_intervals [] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 8}
 The minimum times to have passed to update the cache.

Detailed Description

Control Channel Verification Module.

Definition in file ssl_verify.c.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define KMDA_DEF   3

Definition at line 1520 of file ssl_verify.c.


#define KMDA_ERROR   0

Definition at line 1517 of file ssl_verify.c.


#define KMDA_SUCCESS   1

Definition at line 1518 of file ssl_verify.c.


#define KMDA_UNDEF   2

Definition at line 1519 of file ssl_verify.c.


#define TLS_USERNAME_LEN   64

Maximum length of common name.

Definition at line 52 of file ssl_verify.c.

Function Documentation

◆ auth_set_client_reason()

void auth_set_client_reason ( struct tls_multi multi,
const char *  client_reason 

Sets the reason why authentication of a client failed.

This be will send to the client when the AUTH_FAILED message is sent An example would be "SESSION: Token expired"

multiThe multi tls struct
client_reasonThe string to send to the client as part of AUTH_FAILED

Definition at line 808 of file ssl_verify.c.

References tls_multi::client_reason, and string_alloc().

Referenced by check_for_client_reason(), key_method_2_read(), key_state_check_auth_pending_file(), multi_client_set_protocol_options(), tls_authenticate_key(), tls_authentication_status(), tls_multi_free(), and verify_auth_token().

◆ cert_hash_compare()

bool cert_hash_compare ( const struct cert_hash_set chs1,
const struct cert_hash_set chs2 

Compares certificates hashes, returns true if hashes are equal.

chs1cert 1 hash set
chs2cert 2 hash set

Definition at line 232 of file ssl_verify.c.

References cert_hash_set::ch, MAX_CERT_DEPTH, and cert_hash::sha256_hash.

Referenced by multi_process_float(), and verify_final_auth_checks().

◆ cert_hash_copy()

static struct cert_hash_set * cert_hash_copy ( const struct cert_hash_set chs)

◆ cert_hash_free()

void cert_hash_free ( struct cert_hash_set chs)

Frees the given set of certificate hashes.

chsThe certificate hash set to free.

Definition at line 218 of file ssl_verify.c.

References cert_hash_set::ch, and MAX_CERT_DEPTH.

Referenced by tls_multi_free(), and tls_session_free().

◆ cert_hash_remember()

void cert_hash_remember ( struct tls_session session,
const int  error_depth,
const struct buffer cert_hash 

Definition at line 197 of file ssl_verify.c.

References ALLOC_OBJ, ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR, ASSERT, BLEN, BPTR, MAX_CERT_DEPTH, and cert_hash::sha256_hash.

Referenced by verify_callback().

◆ check_auth_pending_method()

static bool check_auth_pending_method ( const char *  peer_info,
const char *  method 

Check peer_info if the client supports the requested pending auth method.

Definition at line 854 of file ssl_verify.c.

References extract_var_peer_info(), gc, gc_free(), and gc_new().

Referenced by key_state_check_auth_pending_file().

◆ check_for_client_reason()

static void check_for_client_reason ( struct tls_multi multi,
struct auth_deferred_status status 

Check if the script/plugin left a message in the auth failed message file and relay it to the user.

Definition at line 1277 of file ssl_verify.c.

References auth_set_client_reason(), gc, gc_free(), gc_new(), key_state_check_auth_failed_message_file(), msg, and status.

Referenced by verify_user_pass_plugin(), and verify_user_pass_script().

◆ key_state_check_auth_failed_message_file()

static char * key_state_check_auth_failed_message_file ( const struct auth_deferred_status ads,
struct gc_arena gc 

Checks if the auth failed reason file has any content and if yes it will be returned as string allocated in gc to the caller.

Definition at line 1012 of file ssl_verify.c.

References auth_deferred_status::auth_failed_reason_file, BLEN, BSTR, buffer_read_from_file(), gc, and buffer::len.

Referenced by check_for_client_reason(), and tls_authentication_status().

◆ key_state_check_auth_pending_file()

static bool key_state_check_auth_pending_file ( struct auth_deferred_status ads,
struct tls_multi multi,
struct tls_session session 

Checks if the deferred state should also send auth pending request to the client.

Also removes the auth_pending control file

true if file was either processed sucessfully or did not exist at all
false The file had an invlaid format or another error occured

Definition at line 891 of file ssl_verify.c.

References auth_deferred_status::auth_pending_file, auth_set_client_reason(), BSTR, buf_chomp(), buffer_list_file(), buffer_list_free(), check_auth_pending_method(), buffer_list::head, key_state_rm_auth_pending_file(), buffer::len, M_INFO, M_WARN, msg, buffer_entry::next, tls_multi::peer_info, and send_auth_pending_messages().

Referenced by verify_user_pass_plugin(), and verify_user_pass_script().

◆ key_state_gen_auth_control_files()

static bool key_state_gen_auth_control_files ( struct auth_deferred_status ads,
const struct tls_options opt 

Generates and creates the control files used for deferred authentification in the temporary directory.

true if file creation was successful

Definition at line 982 of file ssl_verify.c.

References auth_deferred_status::auth_control_file, auth_deferred_status::auth_failed_reason_file, auth_deferred_status::auth_pending_file, tls_options::es, gc, gc_free(), gc_new(), key_state_rm_auth_control_files(), platform_create_temp_file(), setenv_str(), string_alloc(), and tls_options::tmp_dir.

Referenced by verify_user_pass_plugin(), and verify_user_pass_script().

◆ key_state_rm_auth_control_files()

void key_state_rm_auth_control_files ( struct auth_deferred_status ads)

Removes auth_pending and auth_control files from file system and key_state structure.

Remove the given key state's auth deferred status auth control file, if it exists.

Definition at line 958 of file ssl_verify.c.

References key_state_rm_auth_pending_file(), buffer::len, and platform_unlink().

Referenced by key_state_free(), key_state_gen_auth_control_files(), verify_user_pass_plugin(), and verify_user_pass_script().

◆ key_state_rm_auth_pending_file()

static void key_state_rm_auth_pending_file ( struct auth_deferred_status ads)

Removes auth_pending file from the file system and key_state structure.

Definition at line 840 of file ssl_verify.c.

References auth_deferred_status::auth_pending_file, and platform_unlink().

Referenced by key_state_check_auth_pending_file(), and key_state_rm_auth_control_files().

◆ key_state_test_auth_control_file()

static enum auth_deferred_result key_state_test_auth_control_file ( struct auth_deferred_status ads,
bool  cached 

Checks the auth control status from a file.

The function will try to read and update the cached status if the status is still pending and the parameter cached is false. The function returns the most recent known status.

adsdeferred status control structure
cachedReturn only cached status
ACF_* as per enum

Definition at line 1041 of file ssl_verify.c.


Referenced by update_key_auth_status().

◆ man_def_auth_test()

static enum auth_deferred_result man_def_auth_test ( const struct key_state ks)

Definition at line 822 of file ssl_verify.c.

References ACF_DISABLED, management_enable_def_auth(), and key_state::mda_status.

Referenced by update_key_auth_status().

◆ print_nsCertType()

static const char * print_nsCertType ( int  type)

Definition at line 303 of file ssl_verify.c.


Referenced by verify_peer_cert().

◆ set_common_name()

static void set_common_name ( struct tls_session session,
const char *  common_name 

Definition at line 92 of file ssl_verify.c.

References setenv_str(), and string_alloc().

Referenced by verify_cert(), verify_final_auth_checks(), and verify_user_pass().

◆ set_verify_user_pass_env()

static bool set_verify_user_pass_env ( struct user_pass up,
struct tls_multi multi,
struct tls_session session 

◆ setenv_untrusted()

static void setenv_untrusted ( struct tls_session session)

Definition at line 64 of file ssl_verify.c.

References SA_IP_PORT, and setenv_link_socket_actual().

Referenced by set_verify_user_pass_env(), and verify_cert().

◆ string_mod_remap_name()

static void string_mod_remap_name ( char *  str)

Definition at line 55 of file ssl_verify.c.

References CC_CRLF, CC_PRINT, and string_mod().

Referenced by verify_cert(), and verify_user_pass().

◆ tls_authenticate_key()

bool tls_authenticate_key ( struct tls_multi multi,
const unsigned int  mda_key_id,
const bool  auth,
const char *  client_reason 

◆ tls_authentication_status()

enum tls_auth_status tls_authentication_status ( struct tls_multi multi)

Return current session authentication state of the tls_multi structure This will return TLS_AUTHENTICATION_SUCCEEDED only if the session is fully authenticated, i.e.

VPN traffic is allowed over it.

Checks the status of all active keys and checks if the deferred authentication has succeeded.

As a side effect this function will also transition ks->authenticated from KS_AUTH_DEFERRED to KS_AUTH_FALSE/KS_AUTH_TRUE if the deferred authentication has succeeded after last call.

multithe tls_multi struct to operate on
Current authentication status of the tls_multi

Definition at line 1144 of file ssl_verify.c.

References auth_set_client_reason(), key_state::authenticated, D_TLS_ERRORS, dmsg, gc, gc_free(), gc_new(), get_key_scan(), get_primary_key(), KEY_SCAN_SIZE, key_state_check_auth_failed_message_file(), KS_AUTH_DEFERRED, KS_AUTH_FALSE, KS_AUTH_TRUE, buffer::len, now, key_state::plugin_auth, key_state::script_auth, tls_multi::tas_cache_last_update, tls_multi::tas_cache_num_updates, TLS_AUTHENTICATED, TLS_AUTHENTICATION_DEFERRED, TLS_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, tls_authentication_status_use_cache(), TLS_AUTHENTICATION_SUCCEEDED, and update_key_auth_status().

Referenced by process_incoming_push_request(), and tls_multi_process().

◆ tls_authentication_status_use_cache()

static bool tls_authentication_status_use_cache ( struct tls_multi multi)

uses cache_intervals times to determine if we should update the cache.

Definition at line 1136 of file ssl_verify.c.

References cache_intervals, buffer::len, min_uint(), now, SIZE, tls_multi::tas_cache_last_update, and tls_multi::tas_cache_num_updates.

Referenced by tls_authentication_status().

◆ tls_common_name()

const char * tls_common_name ( const struct tls_multi multi,
const bool  null 

Returns the common name field for the given tunnel.

multiThe tunnel to return the common name for
nullWhether null may be returned. If not, "UNDEF" will be returned.

Definition at line 114 of file ssl_verify.c.

References tls_session::common_name, tls_multi::session, and TM_ACTIVE.

Referenced by format_common_name(), learn_address_script(), management_callback_kill_by_cn(), multi_client_connect_setenv(), multi_delete_dup(), multi_instance_string(), multi_print_status(), multi_process_float(), and multi_select_virtual_addr().

◆ tls_deauthenticate()

static void tls_deauthenticate ( struct tls_multi multi)

◆ tls_lock_cert_hash_set()

void tls_lock_cert_hash_set ( struct tls_multi multi)

Locks the certificate hash set used in the given tunnel.

multiThe tunnel to lock

Definition at line 290 of file ssl_verify.c.

References cert_hash_copy(), tls_session::cert_hash_set, tls_multi::locked_cert_hash_set, tls_multi::session, and TM_ACTIVE.

Referenced by multi_client_connect_early_setup().

◆ tls_lock_common_name()

void tls_lock_common_name ( struct tls_multi multi)

Locks the common name field for the given tunnel.

multiThe tunnel to lock

Definition at line 139 of file ssl_verify.c.

References tls_session::common_name, tls_multi::locked_cn, tls_multi::session, string_alloc(), and TM_ACTIVE.

Referenced by multi_client_connect_early_setup().

◆ tls_lock_username()

static bool tls_lock_username ( struct tls_multi multi,
const char *  username 

Definition at line 152 of file ssl_verify.c.

References D_TLS_ERRORS, tls_multi::locked_username, msg, string_alloc(), and tls_deauthenticate().

Referenced by verify_user_pass().

◆ tls_username()

const char * tls_username ( const struct tls_multi multi,
const bool  null 

Returns the username field for the given tunnel.

multiThe tunnel to return the username for
nullWhether null may be returned. If not, "UNDEF" will be returned.

Definition at line 175 of file ssl_verify.c.

References tls_multi::locked_username.

Referenced by multi_print_status().

◆ tls_x509_clear_env()

void tls_x509_clear_env ( struct env_set es)

Remove any X509_ env variables from env_set es.

Definition at line 1827 of file ssl_verify.c.

References env_set_del(), es, env_set::list, env_item::next, and env_item::string.

Referenced by tls_process_state().

◆ update_key_auth_status()

static void update_key_auth_status ( bool  cached,
struct key_state ks 

This method takes a key_state and if updates the state of the key if it is deferred.

cachedIf auth control files should be tried to be opened or th cached results should be used
ksThe key_state to update

Definition at line 1077 of file ssl_verify.c.

References ACF_DISABLED, ACF_FAILED, ACF_PENDING, ASSERT, key_state::auth_deferred_expire, key_state::authenticated, key_state_test_auth_control_file(), KS_AUTH_FALSE, KS_AUTH_TRUE, buffer::len, man_def_auth_test(), now, key_state::plugin_auth, and key_state::script_auth.

Referenced by tls_authentication_status().

◆ verify_cert()

result_t verify_cert ( struct tls_session session,
openvpn_x509_cert_t cert,
int  cert_depth 

◆ verify_cert_call_command()

static result_t verify_cert_call_command ( const char *  verify_command,
struct env_set es,
int  cert_depth,
char *  subject 

◆ verify_cert_call_plugin()

static result_t verify_cert_call_plugin ( const struct plugin_list plugins,
struct env_set es,
int  cert_depth,
openvpn_x509_cert_t cert,
char *  subject 

◆ verify_cert_cert_delete_env()

static void verify_cert_cert_delete_env ( struct env_set es,
const char *  pem_export_fname 

Definition at line 468 of file ssl_verify.c.

References env_set_del(), es, and buffer::len.

Referenced by verify_cert().

◆ verify_cert_cert_export_env()

static bool verify_cert_cert_export_env ( struct env_set es,
openvpn_x509_cert_t peer_cert,
const char *  pem_export_fname 

Exports the certificate in peer_cert into the environment and adds the filname.

Definition at line 458 of file ssl_verify.c.

References backend_x509_write_pem(), es, buffer::len, setenv_str(), and SUCCESS.

Referenced by verify_cert().

◆ verify_cert_set_env()

static void verify_cert_set_env ( struct env_set es,
openvpn_x509_cert_t peer_cert,
int  cert_depth,
const char *  subject,
const struct x509_track x509_track 

◆ verify_check_crl_dir()

static result_t verify_check_crl_dir ( const char *  crl_dir,
openvpn_x509_cert_t cert,
const char *  subject,
int  cert_depth 

◆ verify_crresponse_plugin()

void verify_crresponse_plugin ( struct tls_multi multi,
const char *  cr_response 


As with the management interface calling the plugin is stateless in the sense that it does not directly participate in the authentication but rather should set the files for the deferred auth like the management commands.

Definition at line 1397 of file ssl_verify.c.

References plugin_call(), tls_multi::session, setenv_del(), setenv_str(), and TM_ACTIVE.

Referenced by receive_cr_response().

◆ verify_crresponse_script()

void verify_crresponse_script ( struct tls_multi multi,
const char *  cr_response 

Runs the –client-crresponse script if one is defined.

As with the management interface the script is stateless in the sense that it does not directly participate in the authentication but rather should set the files for the deferred auth like the management commands.

Definition at line 1410 of file ssl_verify.c.

References argv_free(), argv_new(), argv_parse_cmd(), argv_printf_cat(), D_TLS_ERRORS, gc, gc_free(), gc_new(), msg, openvpn_run_script(), platform_create_temp_file(), tls_multi::session, setenv_str(), status_close(), status_open(), STATUS_OUTPUT_WRITE, status_printf(), tls_deauthenticate(), and TM_ACTIVE.

Referenced by receive_cr_response().

◆ verify_final_auth_checks()

void verify_final_auth_checks ( struct tls_multi multi,
struct tls_session session 

Perform final authentication checks, including locking of the cn, the allowed certificate hashes, and whether a client config entry exists in the client config directory.

multiThe TLS multi structure to verify locked structures.
sessionThe current TLS session

Definition at line 1765 of file ssl_verify.c.

References key_state::authenticated, CCD_DEFAULT, cert_hash_compare(), D_TLS_ERRORS, gc, gc_free(), gc_new(), session::key, KS_AUTH_FALSE, KS_PRIMARY, tls_multi::locked_cert_hash_set, tls_multi::locked_cn, msg, platform_gen_path(), platform_test_file(), set_common_name(), tls_deauthenticate(), and wipe_auth_token().

Referenced by key_method_2_read().

◆ verify_peer_cert()

static result_t verify_peer_cert ( const struct tls_options opt,
openvpn_x509_cert_t peer_cert,
const char *  subject,
const char *  common_name 

◆ verify_user_pass()

void verify_user_pass ( struct user_pass up,
struct tls_multi multi,
struct tls_session session 

◆ verify_user_pass_management()

static int verify_user_pass_management ( struct tls_session session,
const struct user_pass up 

◆ verify_user_pass_plugin()

static int verify_user_pass_plugin ( struct tls_session session,
struct tls_multi multi,
const struct user_pass up 

◆ verify_user_pass_script()

static int verify_user_pass_script ( struct tls_session session,
struct tls_multi multi,
const struct user_pass up 

Variable Documentation

◆ cache_intervals

time_t cache_intervals[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 8}

The minimum times to have passed to update the cache.

Older versions of OpenVPN had code path that did not do any caching, so we start with no caching (0) here as well to have the same super quick initial reaction.

Definition at line 1129 of file ssl_verify.c.

Referenced by tls_authentication_status_use_cache().