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ssl_openssl.c File Reference

Control Channel OpenSSL Backend. More...

#include "syshead.h"
#include "errlevel.h"
#include "buffer.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "manage.h"
#include "memdbg.h"
#include "ssl_backend.h"
#include "ssl_common.h"
#include "base64.h"
#include "openssl_compat.h"
#include "xkey_common.h"
#include "cryptoapi.h"
#include "ssl_verify_openssl.h"
#include "ssl_util.h"
#include <openssl/bn.h>
#include <openssl/crypto.h>
#include <openssl/dh.h>
#include <openssl/dsa.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/pkcs12.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <openssl/ec.h>
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static void unload_xkey_provider (void)
 Undo steps in load_xkey_provider.
void tls_init_lib (void)
 Perform any static initialisation necessary by the library.
void tls_free_lib (void)
 Free any global SSL library-specific data structures.
void tls_ctx_server_new (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx)
 Initialise a library-specific TLS context for a server.
void tls_ctx_client_new (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx)
 Initialises a library-specific TLS context for a client.
void tls_ctx_free (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx)
 Frees the library-specific TLSv1 context.
bool tls_ctx_initialised (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx)
 Checks whether the given TLS context is initialised.
bool key_state_export_keying_material (struct tls_session *session, const char *label, size_t label_size, void *ekm, size_t ekm_size)
 Keying Material Exporters [RFC 5705] allows additional keying material to be derived from existing TLS channel.
static void info_callback (INFO_CALLBACK_SSL_CONST SSL *s, int where, int ret)
int tls_version_max (void)
 Return the maximum TLS version (as a TLS_VER_x constant) supported by current SSL implementation.
static int openssl_tls_version (int ver)
 Convert internal version number to openssl version number.
static bool tls_ctx_set_tls_versions (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, unsigned int ssl_flags)
bool tls_ctx_set_options (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, unsigned int ssl_flags)
 Set any library specific options.
static void convert_tls_list_to_openssl (char *openssl_ciphers, size_t len, const char *ciphers)
void tls_ctx_restrict_ciphers (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *ciphers)
 Restrict the list of ciphers that can be used within the TLS context for TLS 1.2 and below.
static void convert_tls13_list_to_openssl (char *openssl_ciphers, size_t len, const char *ciphers)
void tls_ctx_restrict_ciphers_tls13 (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *ciphers)
 Restrict the list of ciphers that can be used within the TLS context for TLS 1.3 and higher.
void tls_ctx_set_cert_profile (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *profile)
 Set the TLS certificate profile.
void tls_ctx_set_tls_groups (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *groups)
 Set the (elliptic curve) group allowed for signatures and key exchange.
void tls_ctx_check_cert_time (const struct tls_root_ctx *ctx)
 Check our certificate notBefore and notAfter fields, and warn if the cert is either not yet valid or has expired.
void tls_ctx_load_dh_params (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *dh_file, bool dh_file_inline)
 Load Diffie Hellman Parameters, and load them into the library-specific TLS context.
void tls_ctx_load_ecdh_params (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *curve_name)
 Load Elliptic Curve Parameters, and load them into the library-specific TLS context.
static void * load_pkey_from_uri (const char *uri, SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx)
 Load private key from OSSL_STORE URI or file uri : URI of object or filename ssl_ctx : SSL_CTX for UI prompt.
int tls_ctx_load_pkcs12 (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *pkcs12_file, bool pkcs12_file_inline, bool load_ca_file)
 Load PKCS #12 file for key, cert and (optionally) CA certs, and add to library-specific TLS context.
void tls_ctx_load_cryptoapi (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *cryptoapi_cert)
 Use Windows cryptoapi for key and cert, and add to library-specific TLS context.
static void tls_ctx_add_extra_certs (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, BIO *bio, bool optional)
static bool cert_uri_supported (void)
static void tls_ctx_load_cert_uri (struct tls_root_ctx *tls_ctx, const char *uri)
static void tls_ctx_load_cert_pem_file (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *cert_file, bool cert_file_inline)
void tls_ctx_load_cert_file (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *cert_file, bool cert_file_inline)
 Load certificate file into the given TLS context.
int tls_ctx_load_priv_file (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *priv_key_file, bool priv_key_file_inline)
 Load private key file into the given TLS context.
void backend_tls_ctx_reload_crl (struct tls_root_ctx *ssl_ctx, const char *crl_file, bool crl_inline)
 Reload the Certificate Revocation List for the SSL channel.
static int rsa_pub_enc (int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding)
static int rsa_pub_dec (int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding)
static int rsa_priv_dec (int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding)
static int openvpn_extkey_rsa_finish (RSA *rsa)
const char * get_rsa_padding_name (const int padding)
static int get_sig_from_man (const unsigned char *dgst, unsigned int dgstlen, unsigned char *sig, unsigned int siglen, const char *algorithm)
 Pass the input hash in 'dgst' to management and get the signature back.
static int rsa_priv_enc (int flen, const unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int padding)
static int tls_ctx_use_external_rsa_key (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey)
static void openvpn_extkey_ec_finish (EC_KEY *ec)
static int ecdsa_sign (int type, const unsigned char *dgst, int dgstlen, unsigned char *sig, unsigned int *siglen, const BIGNUM *kinv, const BIGNUM *r, EC_KEY *ec)
static int ecdsa_sign_setup (EC_KEY *ec, BN_CTX *ctx_in, BIGNUM **kinvp, BIGNUM **rp)
static ECDSA_SIG * ecdsa_sign_sig (const unsigned char *dgst, int dgstlen, const BIGNUM *in_kinv, const BIGNUM *in_r, EC_KEY *ec)
static int tls_ctx_use_external_ec_key (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, EVP_PKEY *pkey)
int tls_ctx_use_management_external_key (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx)
 Tell the management interface to load the given certificate and the external private key matching the given certificate.
static int sk_x509_name_cmp (const X509_NAME *const *a, const X509_NAME *const *b)
void tls_ctx_load_ca (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *ca_file, bool ca_file_inline, const char *ca_path, bool tls_server)
 Load certificate authority certificates from the given file or path.
void tls_ctx_load_extra_certs (struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *extra_certs_file, bool extra_certs_file_inline)
 Load extra certificate authority certificates from the given file or path.
static int bio_write (BIO *bio, const uint8_t *data, int size, const char *desc)
static void bio_write_post (const int status, struct buffer *buf)
static int bio_read (BIO *bio, struct buffer *buf, const char *desc)
void key_state_ssl_init (struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, const struct tls_root_ctx *ssl_ctx, bool is_server, struct tls_session *session)
 Initialise the SSL channel part of the given key state.
void key_state_ssl_shutdown (struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl)
 Sets a TLS session to be shutdown state, so the TLS library will generate a shutdown alert.
void key_state_ssl_free (struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl)
 Free the SSL channel part of the given key state.
int key_state_write_plaintext (struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, struct buffer *buf)
 Insert a plaintext buffer into the TLS module.
int key_state_write_plaintext_const (struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, const uint8_t *data, int len)
 Insert plaintext data into the TLS module.
int key_state_read_ciphertext (struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, struct buffer *buf)
 Extract ciphertext data from the TLS module.
int key_state_write_ciphertext (struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, struct buffer *buf)
 Insert a ciphertext buffer into the TLS module.
int key_state_read_plaintext (struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, struct buffer *buf)
 Extract plaintext data from the TLS module.
static void print_pkey_details (EVP_PKEY *pkey, char *buf, size_t buflen)
static void print_cert_details (X509 *cert, char *buf, size_t buflen)
 Print human readable information about the certificate into buf.
static void print_server_tempkey (SSL *ssl, char *buf, size_t buflen)
static const char * get_sigtype (int nid)
 Translate an OpenSSL NID into a more human readable name.
static void print_peer_signature (SSL *ssl, char *buf, size_t buflen)
 Get the type of the signature that is used by the peer during the TLS handshake.
void print_details (struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, const char *prefix)
 Print a one line summary of SSL/TLS session handshake.
void show_available_tls_ciphers_list (const char *cipher_list, const char *tls_cert_profile, bool tls13)
 Show the TLS ciphers that are available for us to use in the library depending on the TLS version.
void show_available_curves (void)
 Show the available elliptic curves in the crypto library.
const char * get_ssl_library_version (void)
 return a pointer to a static memory area containing the name and version number of the SSL library in use
void load_xkey_provider (void)
 Some helper routines for provider load/unload.


int mydata_index
 Allocate space in SSL objects in which to store a struct tls_session pointer back to parent.

Detailed Description

Control Channel OpenSSL Backend.

Definition in file ssl_openssl.c.

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 180 of file ssl_openssl.c.

Function Documentation

◆ backend_tls_ctx_reload_crl()

void backend_tls_ctx_reload_crl ( struct tls_root_ctx ssl_ctx,
const char *  crl_file,
bool  crl_inline 

Reload the Certificate Revocation List for the SSL channel.

ssl_ctxThe TLS context to use when reloading the CRL
crl_fileThe file name to load the CRL from, or an array containing the inline CRL.
crl_inlineTrue if crl_file is an inline CRL.

Definition at line 1326 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, M_FATAL, M_INFO, M_WARN, msg, and print_key_filename().

Referenced by tls_ctx_reload_crl().

◆ bio_read()

static int bio_read ( BIO *  bio,
struct buffer buf,
const char *  desc 

◆ bio_write()

static int bio_write ( BIO *  bio,
const uint8_t *  data,
int  size,
const char *  desc 

◆ bio_write_post()

static void bio_write_post ( const int  status,
struct buffer buf 

Definition at line 2104 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References BLEN, BPTR, buffer::len, and status.

Referenced by key_state_write_ciphertext(), and key_state_write_plaintext().

◆ cert_uri_supported()

static bool cert_uri_supported ( void  )

Definition at line 1085 of file ssl_openssl.c.

Referenced by tls_ctx_load_cert_file().

◆ convert_tls13_list_to_openssl()

static void convert_tls13_list_to_openssl ( char *  openssl_ciphers,
size_t  len,
const char *  ciphers 

Definition at line 465 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References M_FATAL, and msg.

Referenced by tls_ctx_restrict_ciphers_tls13().

◆ convert_tls_list_to_openssl()

static void convert_tls_list_to_openssl ( char *  openssl_ciphers,
size_t  len,
const char *  ciphers 

◆ ecdsa_sign()

static int ecdsa_sign ( int  type,
const unsigned char *  dgst,
int  dgstlen,
unsigned char *  sig,
unsigned int *  siglen,
const BIGNUM *  kinv,
const BIGNUM *  r,
EC_KEY *  ec 

Definition at line 1604 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References get_sig_from_man().

Referenced by ecdsa_sign_sig(), and tls_ctx_use_external_ec_key().

◆ ecdsa_sign_setup()

static int ecdsa_sign_setup ( EC_KEY *  ec,
BN_CTX *  ctx_in,
BIGNUM **  kinvp,
BIGNUM **  rp 

Definition at line 1625 of file ssl_openssl.c.

Referenced by tls_ctx_use_external_ec_key().

◆ ecdsa_sign_sig()

static ECDSA_SIG * ecdsa_sign_sig ( const unsigned char *  dgst,
int  dgstlen,
const BIGNUM *  in_kinv,
const BIGNUM *  in_r,
EC_KEY *  ec 

Definition at line 1635 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ecdsa_sign(), gc, gc_free(), gc_malloc(), and gc_new().

Referenced by tls_ctx_use_external_ec_key().

◆ get_rsa_padding_name()

const char * get_rsa_padding_name ( const int  padding)

Definition at line 1452 of file ssl_openssl.c.

Referenced by rsa_priv_enc().

◆ get_sig_from_man()

static int get_sig_from_man ( const unsigned char *  dgst,
unsigned int  dgstlen,
unsigned char *  sig,
unsigned int  siglen,
const char *  algorithm 

Pass the input hash in 'dgst' to management and get the signature back.

dgsthash to be signed
dgstlenlen of data in dgst
sigOn successful return signature is in sig.
siglenlength of buffer sig
algorithmpadding/hashing algorithm for the signature
signature length or -1 on error.

Definition at line 1479 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References management_query_pk_sig(), openvpn_base64_decode(), and openvpn_base64_encode().

Referenced by ecdsa_sign(), and rsa_priv_enc().

◆ get_sigtype()

static const char * get_sigtype ( int  nid)

Translate an OpenSSL NID into a more human readable name.


Definition at line 2424 of file ssl_openssl.c.

Referenced by print_peer_signature().

◆ get_ssl_library_version()

const char * get_ssl_library_version ( void  )

return a pointer to a static memory area containing the name and version number of the SSL library in use

Definition at line 2646 of file ssl_openssl.c.

Referenced by push_peer_info(), and show_library_versions().

◆ info_callback()

static void info_callback ( INFO_CALLBACK_SSL_CONST SSL *  s,
int  where,
int  ret 

Definition at line 183 of file ssl_openssl.c.


Referenced by tls_ctx_set_options().

◆ key_state_export_keying_material()

bool key_state_export_keying_material ( struct tls_session session,
const char *  label,
size_t  label_size,
void *  ekm,
size_t  ekm_size 

Keying Material Exporters [RFC 5705] allows additional keying material to be derived from existing TLS channel.

This exported keying material can then be used for a variety of purposes.

sessionThe session associated with the given key_state
labelThe label to use when exporting the key
label_sizeThe size of the label to use when exporting the key
ekmBuffer to return the exported key material in
ekm_sizeThe size of ekm, in bytes
true if exporting succeeded, false otherwise

Definition at line 156 of file ssl_openssl.c.

◆ key_state_ssl_free()

void key_state_ssl_free ( struct key_state_ssl ks_ssl)

Free the SSL channel part of the given key state.

ks_sslThe SSL channel's state info to free

Definition at line 2212 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References key_state_ssl::ct_in, key_state_ssl::ct_out, key_state_ssl::ssl, and key_state_ssl::ssl_bio.

Referenced by key_state_free().

◆ key_state_ssl_init()

void key_state_ssl_init ( struct key_state_ssl ks_ssl,
const struct tls_root_ctx ssl_ctx,
bool  is_server,
struct tls_session session 

Initialise the SSL channel part of the given key state.

Settings will be loaded from a previously initialised TLS context.

ks_sslThe SSL channel's state info to initialise
ssl_ctxThe TLS context to use when initialising the channel.
is_serverInitialise a server?
sessionThe session associated with the given key_state

Definition at line 2166 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, CLEAR, crypto_msg, key_state_ssl::ct_in, key_state_ssl::ct_out, tls_root_ctx::ctx, M_FATAL, mydata_index, key_state_ssl::ssl, and key_state_ssl::ssl_bio.

Referenced by key_state_init().

◆ key_state_ssl_shutdown()

void key_state_ssl_shutdown ( struct key_state_ssl ks_ssl)

Sets a TLS session to be shutdown state, so the TLS library will generate a shutdown alert.

Definition at line 2206 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References key_state_ssl::ssl.

Referenced by tls_multi_process(), and tls_process_state().

◆ load_pkey_from_uri()

static void * load_pkey_from_uri ( const char *  uri,
SSL_CTX *  ssl_ctx 

Load private key from OSSL_STORE URI or file uri : URI of object or filename ssl_ctx : SSL_CTX for UI prompt.

Return a pointer to the key or NULL if not found. Caller must free the key after use.

Definition at line 837 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References D_TLS_DEBUG_MED, M_WARN, msg, and tls_libctx.

Referenced by tls_ctx_load_priv_file().

◆ load_xkey_provider()

void load_xkey_provider ( void  )

Some helper routines for provider load/unload.

Load ovpn.xkey provider used for external key signing.

Setup ovpn.xey provider for signing with external keys. It is loaded into a custom library context so as not to pollute the default context. Alternatively we could override any system-wide property query set on the default context. But we want to avoid that.

Definition at line 2679 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References check_malloc_return(), M_NONFATAL, msg, and tls_libctx.

Referenced by init_ssl().

◆ openssl_tls_version()

static int openssl_tls_version ( int  ver)

Convert internal version number to openssl version number.

Definition at line 243 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References TLS_VER_1_0, TLS_VER_1_1, TLS_VER_1_2, and TLS_VER_1_3.

Referenced by show_available_tls_ciphers_list(), and tls_ctx_set_tls_versions().

◆ openvpn_extkey_ec_finish()

static void openvpn_extkey_ec_finish ( EC_KEY *  ec)

Definition at line 1592 of file ssl_openssl.c.

Referenced by tls_ctx_use_external_ec_key().

◆ openvpn_extkey_rsa_finish()

static int openvpn_extkey_rsa_finish ( RSA *  rsa)

Definition at line 1437 of file ssl_openssl.c.

Referenced by tls_ctx_use_external_rsa_key().

◆ print_cert_details()

static void print_cert_details ( X509 *  cert,
char *  buf,
size_t  buflen 

Print human readable information about the certificate into buf.

certthe certificate being used
bufoutput buffer
buflenoutput buffer length

Definition at line 2377 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References print_pkey_details().

Referenced by print_details().

◆ print_details()

void print_details ( struct key_state_ssl ks_ssl,
const char *  prefix 

Print a one line summary of SSL/TLS session handshake.

Definition at line 2502 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References D_HANDSHAKE, msg, print_cert_details(), print_peer_signature(), print_server_tempkey(), and key_state_ssl::ssl.

Referenced by session_move_active().

◆ print_peer_signature()

static void print_peer_signature ( SSL *  ssl,
char *  buf,
size_t  buflen 

Get the type of the signature that is used by the peer during the TLS handshake.

Definition at line 2455 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References get_sigtype().

Referenced by print_details().

◆ print_pkey_details()

static void print_pkey_details ( EVP_PKEY *  pkey,
char *  buf,
size_t  buflen 

Definition at line 2300 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References EVP_PKEY_get_group_name().

Referenced by print_cert_details(), and print_server_tempkey().

◆ print_server_tempkey()

static void print_server_tempkey ( SSL *  ssl,
char *  buf,
size_t  buflen 

Definition at line 2398 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References print_pkey_details().

Referenced by print_details().

◆ rsa_priv_dec()

static int rsa_priv_dec ( int  flen,
const unsigned char *  from,
unsigned char *  to,
RSA *  rsa,
int  padding 

Definition at line 1429 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT.

Referenced by tls_ctx_use_external_rsa_key().

◆ rsa_priv_enc()

static int rsa_priv_enc ( int  flen,
const unsigned char *  from,
unsigned char *  to,
RSA *  rsa,
int  padding 

Definition at line 1506 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References get_rsa_padding_name(), and get_sig_from_man().

Referenced by tls_ctx_use_external_rsa_key().

◆ rsa_pub_dec()

static int rsa_pub_dec ( int  flen,
const unsigned char *  from,
unsigned char *  to,
RSA *  rsa,
int  padding 

Definition at line 1421 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT.

Referenced by tls_ctx_use_external_rsa_key().

◆ rsa_pub_enc()

static int rsa_pub_enc ( int  flen,
const unsigned char *  from,
unsigned char *  to,
RSA *  rsa,
int  padding 

Definition at line 1413 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT.

Referenced by tls_ctx_use_external_rsa_key().

◆ show_available_curves()

void show_available_curves ( void  )

Show the available elliptic curves in the crypto library.

Definition at line 2606 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ALLOC_ARRAY, crypto_msg, M_FATAL, M_WARN, and msg.

Referenced by print_openssl_info().

◆ show_available_tls_ciphers_list()

void show_available_tls_ciphers_list ( const char *  cipher_list,
const char *  tls_cert_profile,
bool  tls13 

Show the TLS ciphers that are available for us to use in the library depending on the TLS version.

This function prints a list of ciphers without headers/footers.

cipher_listlist of allowed TLS cipher, or NULL.
tls_cert_profileTLS certificate crypto profile name.
tls13Select if <=TLS1.2 or TLS1.3+ ciphers should be shown

Definition at line 2531 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, tls_cipher_name_pair::iana_name, M_FATAL, openssl_tls_version(), tls_ctx_restrict_ciphers(), tls_ctx_restrict_ciphers_tls13(), tls_ctx_set_cert_profile(), tls_get_cipher_name_pair(), and TLS_VER_1_3.

Referenced by show_available_tls_ciphers().

◆ sk_x509_name_cmp()

static int sk_x509_name_cmp ( const X509_NAME *const *  a,
const X509_NAME *const *  b 

Definition at line 1792 of file ssl_openssl.c.

Referenced by tls_ctx_load_ca().

◆ tls_ctx_add_extra_certs()

static void tls_ctx_add_extra_certs ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
BIO *  bio,
bool  optional 

Definition at line 1051 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, and M_FATAL.

Referenced by tls_ctx_load_cert_pem_file(), and tls_ctx_load_extra_certs().

◆ tls_ctx_check_cert_time()

void tls_ctx_check_cert_time ( const struct tls_root_ctx ctx)

Check our certificate notBefore and notAfter fields, and warn if the cert is either not yet valid or has expired.

Note that this is a non-fatal error, since we compare against the system time, which might be incorrect.

ctxTLS context to get our certificate from.

Definition at line 620 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, tls_root_ctx::ctx, D_TLS_DEBUG_MED, M_WARN, and msg.

Referenced by init_ssl().

◆ tls_ctx_client_new()

void tls_ctx_client_new ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx)

Initialises a library-specific TLS context for a client.

ctxTLS context to initialise

Definition at line 122 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, M_FATAL, M_WARN, SSL_CTX_new_ex, and tls_libctx.

Referenced by crypto_pem_encode_certificate(), init_ssl(), test_load_certificate_and_key(), and test_load_certificate_and_key_uri().

◆ tls_ctx_free()

void tls_ctx_free ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx)

Frees the library-specific TLSv1 context.

ctxTLS context to free

Definition at line 140 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, tls_root_ctx::ctx, and unload_xkey_provider().

Referenced by crypto_pem_encode_certificate(), init_ssl(), key_schedule_free(), test_load_certificate_and_key(), and test_load_certificate_and_key_uri().

◆ tls_ctx_initialised()

bool tls_ctx_initialised ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx)

Checks whether the given TLS context is initialised.

ctxTLS context to check
true if the context is initialised, false if not.

Definition at line 149 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, and tls_root_ctx::ctx.

Referenced by do_init_crypto_tls_c1(), and key_schedule_free().

◆ tls_ctx_load_ca()

void tls_ctx_load_ca ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
const char *  ca_file,
bool  ca_file_inline,
const char *  ca_path,
bool  tls_server 

Load certificate authority certificates from the given file or path.

Note that not all SSL libraries support loading from a path.

ctxTLS context to use
ca_fileThe file name to load the CAs from, or a string containing the CAs in the case of inline files.
ca_file_inlineTrue if ca_file is an inline file
ca_pathThe path to load the CAs from

Definition at line 1798 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, M_FATAL, M_WARN, msg, print_key_filename(), and sk_x509_name_cmp().

Referenced by init_ssl().

◆ tls_ctx_load_cert_file()

void tls_ctx_load_cert_file ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
const char *  cert_file,
bool  cert_file_inline 

Load certificate file into the given TLS context.

If the given certificate file contains a certificate chain, load the whole chain.

ctxTLS context to use
cert_fileThe file name to load the certificate from, or a string containing the certificate in the case of inline files.
cert_file_inlineTrue if cert_file is an inline file.

Definition at line 1257 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References cert_uri_supported(), tls_ctx_load_cert_pem_file(), and tls_ctx_load_cert_uri().

Referenced by crypto_pem_encode_certificate(), init_ssl(), test_load_certificate_and_key(), and test_load_certificate_and_key_uri().

◆ tls_ctx_load_cert_pem_file()

static void tls_ctx_load_cert_pem_file ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
const char *  cert_file,
bool  cert_file_inline 

◆ tls_ctx_load_cert_uri()

static void tls_ctx_load_cert_uri ( struct tls_root_ctx tls_ctx,
const char *  uri 

◆ tls_ctx_load_cryptoapi()

void tls_ctx_load_cryptoapi ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
const char *  cryptoapi_cert 

Use Windows cryptoapi for key and cert, and add to library-specific TLS context.

ctxTLS context to use
cryptoapi_certString representing the certificate to load.

Definition at line 1038 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, M_FATAL, and SSL_CTX_use_CryptoAPI_certificate().

Referenced by init_ssl().

◆ tls_ctx_load_dh_params()

void tls_ctx_load_dh_params ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
const char *  dh_file,
bool  dh_file_inline 

Load Diffie Hellman Parameters, and load them into the library-specific TLS context.

ctxTLS context to use
dh_fileThe file name to load the parameters from, or a string containing the parameters in the case of inline files.
dh_file_inlineTrue if dh_file is an inline file.

Definition at line 656 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, D_TLS_DEBUG_LOW, M_FATAL, msg, and print_key_filename().

Referenced by init_ssl().

◆ tls_ctx_load_ecdh_params()

void tls_ctx_load_ecdh_params ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
const char *  curve_name 

Load Elliptic Curve Parameters, and load them into the library-specific TLS context.

ctxTLS context to use
curve_nameThe name of the elliptic curve to load.

Definition at line 717 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, D_LOW, D_TLS_DEBUG, D_TLS_DEBUG_LOW, M_FATAL, M_WARN, and msg.

Referenced by init_ssl().

◆ tls_ctx_load_extra_certs()

void tls_ctx_load_extra_certs ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
const char *  extra_certs_file,
bool  extra_certs_file_inline 

Load extra certificate authority certificates from the given file or path.

These Load extra certificates that are part of our own certificate chain but shouldn't be included in the verify chain.

ctxTLS context to use
extra_certs_fileThe file name to load the certs from, or a string containing the certs in the case of inline files.
extra_certs_file_inlineTrue if extra_certs_file is an inline file.

Definition at line 1947 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References crypto_msg, M_FATAL, print_key_filename(), and tls_ctx_add_extra_certs().

Referenced by init_ssl().

◆ tls_ctx_load_pkcs12()

int tls_ctx_load_pkcs12 ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
const char *  pkcs12_file,
bool  pkcs12_file_inline,
bool  load_ca_file 

Load PKCS #12 file for key, cert and (optionally) CA certs, and add to library-specific TLS context.

ctxTLS context to use
pkcs12_fileThe file name to load the information from, or a string containing the information in the case of inline files.
pkcs12_file_inlineTrue if pkcs12_file is an inline file.
1 if an error occurred, 0 if parsing was successful.

Definition at line 908 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, crypto_msg, crypto_print_openssl_errors(), tls_root_ctx::ctx, M_FATAL, M_WARN, management_auth_failure(), user_pass::password, pem_password_callback(), platform_fopen(), and UP_TYPE_PRIVATE_KEY.

Referenced by init_ssl().

◆ tls_ctx_load_priv_file()

int tls_ctx_load_priv_file ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
const char *  priv_key_file,
bool  priv_key_file_inline 

Load private key file into the given TLS context.

ctxTLS context to use
priv_key_fileThe file name to load the private key from, or a string containing the private key in the case of inline files.
priv_key_file_inlineTrue if priv_key_file is an inline file
1 if an error occurred, 0 if parsing was successful.

Definition at line 1271 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, load_pkey_from_uri(), M_FATAL, M_WARN, management_auth_failure(), print_key_filename(), and UP_TYPE_PRIVATE_KEY.

Referenced by init_ssl(), test_load_certificate_and_key(), and test_load_certificate_and_key_uri().

◆ tls_ctx_restrict_ciphers()

void tls_ctx_restrict_ciphers ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
const char *  ciphers 

Restrict the list of ciphers that can be used within the TLS context for TLS 1.2 and below.

ctxTLS context to restrict, must be valid.
ciphersString containing : delimited cipher names, or NULL to use sane defaults.

Definition at line 430 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, convert_tls_list_to_openssl(), crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, and M_FATAL.

Referenced by init_ssl(), and show_available_tls_ciphers_list().

◆ tls_ctx_restrict_ciphers_tls13()

void tls_ctx_restrict_ciphers_tls13 ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
const char *  ciphers 

Restrict the list of ciphers that can be used within the TLS context for TLS 1.3 and higher.

ctxTLS context to restrict, must be valid.
ciphersString containing : delimited cipher names, or NULL to use sane defaults.

Definition at line 492 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, convert_tls13_list_to_openssl(), crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, M_FATAL, and M_WARN.

Referenced by init_ssl(), and show_available_tls_ciphers_list().

◆ tls_ctx_server_new()

void tls_ctx_server_new ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx)

Initialise a library-specific TLS context for a server.

ctxTLS context to initialise

Definition at line 104 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, M_FATAL, M_WARN, SSL_CTX_new_ex, and tls_libctx.

Referenced by init_ssl().

◆ tls_ctx_set_cert_profile()

void tls_ctx_set_cert_profile ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
const char *  profile 

Set the TLS certificate profile.

The profile defines which crypto algorithms may be used in the supplied certificate.

ctxTLS context to restrict, must be valid.
profileThe profile name ('preferred', 'legacy' or 'suiteb'). Defaults to 'preferred' if NULL.

Definition at line 521 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References tls_root_ctx::ctx, M_FATAL, M_WARN, and msg.

Referenced by init_ssl(), and show_available_tls_ciphers_list().

◆ tls_ctx_set_options()

bool tls_ctx_set_options ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
unsigned int  ssl_flags 

Set any library specific options.

Examples include disabling session caching, the password callback to use, and session verification parameters.

ctxTLS context to set options on
ssl_flagsSSL flags to set
true on success, false otherwise.

Definition at line 310 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, tls_root_ctx::ctx, info_callback(), pem_password_callback(), SSLF_CLIENT_CERT_NOT_REQUIRED, SSLF_CLIENT_CERT_OPTIONAL, tls_ctx_set_tls_versions(), and verify_callback().

Referenced by init_ssl().

◆ tls_ctx_set_tls_groups()

void tls_ctx_set_tls_groups ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
const char *  groups 

Set the (elliptic curve) group allowed for signatures and key exchange.

ctxTLS context to restrict, must be valid.
groupsList of groups that will be allowed, in priority, separated by :

Definition at line 560 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ALLOC_ARRAY_CLEAR_GC, ASSERT, crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, gc, gc_free(), gc_new(), get_num_elements(), M_FATAL, M_WARN, msg, SSL_CTX_set1_groups, streq, string_alloc(), and strsep().

Referenced by init_ssl().

◆ tls_ctx_set_tls_versions()

static bool tls_ctx_set_tls_versions ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
unsigned int  ssl_flags 

◆ tls_ctx_use_external_ec_key()

static int tls_ctx_use_external_ec_key ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
EVP_PKEY *  pkey 

◆ tls_ctx_use_external_rsa_key()

static int tls_ctx_use_external_rsa_key ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx,
EVP_PKEY *  pkey 

◆ tls_ctx_use_management_external_key()

int tls_ctx_use_management_external_key ( struct tls_root_ctx ctx)

Tell the management interface to load the given certificate and the external private key matching the given certificate.

ctxTLS context to use
1 if an error occurred, 0 if successful.

Definition at line 1718 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, cleanup(), crypto_msg, tls_root_ctx::ctx, M_FATAL, M_WARN, tls_ctx_use_external_ec_key(), tls_ctx_use_external_rsa_key(), and tls_libctx.

Referenced by init_ssl().

◆ tls_free_lib()

void tls_free_lib ( void  )

Free any global SSL library-specific data structures.

Definition at line 99 of file ssl_openssl.c.

Referenced by free_ssl_lib(), and main().

◆ tls_init_lib()

void tls_init_lib ( void  )

Perform any static initialisation necessary by the library.

Called on OpenVPN initialisation

Definition at line 92 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References ASSERT, and mydata_index.

Referenced by init_ssl_lib(), and main().

◆ tls_version_max()

int tls_version_max ( void  )

Return the maximum TLS version (as a TLS_VER_x constant) supported by current SSL implementation.

One of the TLS_VER_x constants (but not TLS_VER_BAD).

Definition at line 207 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References TLS_VER_1_0, TLS_VER_1_1, TLS_VER_1_2, and TLS_VER_1_3.

Referenced by options_postprocess_verify_ce(), show_available_tls_ciphers(), and tls_version_parse().

◆ unload_xkey_provider()

static void unload_xkey_provider ( void  )

Undo steps in load_xkey_provider.

Definition at line 2722 of file ssl_openssl.c.

References tls_libctx.

Referenced by tls_ctx_free().

Variable Documentation

◆ mydata_index

int mydata_index

Allocate space in SSL objects in which to store a struct tls_session pointer back to parent.

Definition at line 89 of file ssl_openssl.c.

Referenced by key_state_ssl_init(), tls_init_lib(), and verify_callback().

◆ tls_libctx

OSSL_LIB_CTX* tls_libctx