104#define TLS_VER_BAD -1
105#define TLS_VER_UNSPEC 0
223 bool dh_file_inline);
249 bool pkcs12_file_inline,
bool load_ca_file);
274 bool cert_file_inline);
289 bool priv_key_file_inline);
318 bool ca_file_inline,
const char *ca_path,
bool tls_server);
334 const char *extra_certs_file,
335 bool extra_certs_file_inline);
344void tls_ctx_personalise_random(
struct tls_root_ctx *ctx);
389 const char *crl_file,
bool crl_inline);
391#define EXPORT_KEY_DATA_LABEL "EXPORTER-OpenVPN-datakeys"
392#define EXPORT_P2P_PEERID_LABEL "EXPORTER-OpenVPN-p2p-peerid"
393#define EXPORT_DYNAMIC_TLS_CRYPT_LABEL "EXPORTER-OpenVPN-dynamic-tls-crypt"
408 const char *label,
size_t label_size,
409 void *ekm,
size_t ekm_size);
453 const uint8_t *data,
int len);
549 const char *tls_cert_profile,
int key_state_read_plaintext(struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, struct buffer *buf)
Extract plaintext data from the TLS module.
int key_state_write_ciphertext(struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, struct buffer *buf)
Insert a ciphertext buffer into the TLS module.
int key_state_read_ciphertext(struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, struct buffer *buf)
Extract ciphertext data from the TLS module.
int key_state_write_plaintext_const(struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, const uint8_t *data, int len)
Insert plaintext data into the TLS module.
int key_state_write_plaintext(struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, struct buffer *buf)
Insert a plaintext buffer into the TLS module.
void tls_ctx_set_tls_groups(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *groups)
Set the (elliptic curve) group allowed for signatures and key exchange.
void tls_ctx_free(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx)
Frees the library-specific TLSv1 context.
const char * get_ssl_library_version(void)
return a pointer to a static memory area containing the name and version number of the SSL library in...
void tls_clear_error(void)
Clear the underlying SSL library's error state.
bool key_state_export_keying_material(struct tls_session *session, const char *label, size_t label_size, void *ekm, size_t ekm_size)
Keying Material Exporters [RFC 5705] allows additional keying material to be derived from existing TL...
void show_available_tls_ciphers_list(const char *cipher_list, const char *tls_cert_profile, bool tls13)
Show the TLS ciphers that are available for us to use in the library depending on the TLS version.
void tls_ctx_server_new(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx)
Initialise a library-specific TLS context for a server.
void show_available_curves(void)
Show the available elliptic curves in the crypto library.
int pem_password_callback(char *buf, int size, int rwflag, void *u)
Callback to retrieve the user's password.
void key_state_ssl_free(struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl)
Free the SSL channel part of the given key state.
int tls_ctx_load_priv_file(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *priv_key_file, bool priv_key_file_inline)
Load private key file into the given TLS context.
void key_state_ssl_shutdown(struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl)
Sets a TLS session to be shutdown state, so the TLS library will generate a shutdown alert.
void tls_ctx_load_extra_certs(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *extra_certs_file, bool extra_certs_file_inline)
Load extra certificate authority certificates from the given file or path.
void tls_ctx_check_cert_time(const struct tls_root_ctx *ctx)
Check our certificate notBefore and notAfter fields, and warn if the cert is either not yet valid or ...
void tls_ctx_restrict_ciphers_tls13(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *ciphers)
Restrict the list of ciphers that can be used within the TLS context for TLS 1.3 and higher.
int tls_ctx_load_pkcs12(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *pkcs12_file, bool pkcs12_file_inline, bool load_ca_file)
Load PKCS #12 file for key, cert and (optionally) CA certs, and add to library-specific TLS context.
bool tls_ctx_initialised(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx)
Checks whether the given TLS context is initialised.
void key_state_ssl_init(struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, const struct tls_root_ctx *ssl_ctx, bool is_server, struct tls_session *session)
Initialise the SSL channel part of the given key state.
void tls_free_lib(void)
Free any global SSL library-specific data structures.
int tls_version_parse(const char *vstr, const char *extra)
void tls_ctx_load_ecdh_params(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *curve_name)
Load Elliptic Curve Parameters, and load them into the library-specific TLS context.
void tls_init_lib(void)
Perform any static initialisation necessary by the library.
void print_details(struct key_state_ssl *ks_ssl, const char *prefix)
Print a one line summary of SSL/TLS session handshake.
int tls_version_max(void)
Return the maximum TLS version (as a TLS_VER_x constant) supported by current SSL implementation.
void backend_tls_ctx_reload_crl(struct tls_root_ctx *ssl_ctx, const char *crl_file, bool crl_inline)
Reload the Certificate Revocation List for the SSL channel.
void tls_ctx_restrict_ciphers(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *ciphers)
Restrict the list of ciphers that can be used within the TLS context for TLS 1.2 and below.
void tls_ctx_load_ca(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *ca_file, bool ca_file_inline, const char *ca_path, bool tls_server)
Load certificate authority certificates from the given file or path.
void tls_ctx_set_cert_profile(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *profile)
Set the TLS certificate profile.
int tls_ctx_use_management_external_key(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx)
Tell the management interface to load the given certificate and the external private key matching the...
void tls_ctx_load_cryptoapi(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *cryptoapi_cert)
Use Windows cryptoapi for key and cert, and add to library-specific TLS context.
bool tls_ctx_set_options(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, unsigned int ssl_flags)
Set any library specific options.
void tls_ctx_load_dh_params(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *dh_file, bool dh_file_inline)
Load Diffie Hellman Parameters, and load them into the library-specific TLS context.
void tls_ctx_client_new(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx)
Initialises a library-specific TLS context for a client.
void tls_ctx_load_cert_file(struct tls_root_ctx *ctx, const char *cert_file, bool cert_file_inline)
Load certificate file into the given TLS context.
Control Channel mbed TLS Backend.
Control Channel OpenSSL Backend.
Control Channel Verification Module mbed TLS backend.
Control Channel Verification Module OpenSSL backend.
Wrapper structure for dynamically allocated memory.
Structure that wraps the TLS context.
Security parameter state of a single session within a VPN tunnel.