Data Fields
options Struct Reference

#include <options.h>

Collaboration diagram for options:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

struct gc_arena gc
bool gc_owned
const char * config
int mode
bool forward_compatible
unsigned int backwards_compatible
 What version we should try to be compatible with as major * 10000 + minor * 100 + patch, e.g.
const char ** ignore_unknown_option
bool persist_config
int persist_mode
const char * key_pass_file
bool show_ciphers
bool show_digests
bool show_engines
bool show_tls_ciphers
bool show_curves
bool genkey
enum genkey_type genkey_type
const char * genkey_filename
const char * genkey_extra_data
int connect_retry_max
struct connection_entry ce
struct connection_listconnection_list
struct remote_listremote_list
bool no_advance
bool advance_next_remote
unsigned int unsuccessful_attempts
int ce_advance_count
int server_backoff_time
struct http_proxy_optionshttp_proxy_override
struct remote_host_storerh_store
struct dns_options dns_options
bool remote_random
const char * ipchange
const char * dev
const char * dev_type
const char * dev_node
const char * lladdr
int topology
const char * ifconfig_local
const char * ifconfig_remote_netmask
const char * ifconfig_ipv6_local
int ifconfig_ipv6_netbits
const char * ifconfig_ipv6_remote
bool ifconfig_noexec
bool ifconfig_nowarn
int shaper
int proto_force
bool mtu_test
bool mlock
int keepalive_ping
int keepalive_timeout
int inactivity_timeout
int64_t inactivity_minimum_bytes
int session_timeout
int ping_send_timeout
int ping_rec_timeout
bool ping_timer_remote
int ping_rec_timeout_action
bool persist_tun
bool persist_local_ip
bool persist_remote_ip
int resolve_retry_seconds
bool resolve_in_advance
const char * ip_remote_hint
struct tuntap_options tuntap_options
bool disable_dco
const char * username
const char * groupname
const char * chroot_dir
const char * cd_dir
const char * writepid
const char * up_script
const char * down_script
bool user_script_used
bool down_pre
bool up_delay
bool up_restart
bool daemon
int remap_sigusr1
bool log
bool suppress_timestamps
bool machine_readable_output
int nice
int verbosity
int mute
const char * status_file
int status_file_version
int status_file_update_freq
bool fast_io
struct compress_options comp
int rcvbuf
int sndbuf
int mark
char * bind_dev
unsigned int sockflags
const char * route_script
const char * route_predown_script
const char * route_default_gateway
const char * route_ipv6_default_gateway
int route_default_metric
bool route_noexec
int route_delay
int route_delay_window
bool route_delay_defined
struct route_option_listroutes
struct route_ipv6_option_listroutes_ipv6
bool block_ipv6
bool route_nopull
bool route_gateway_via_dhcp
bool allow_pull_fqdn
struct client_nat_option_listclient_nat
bool occ
const char * management_addr
const char * management_port
const char * management_user_pass
int management_log_history_cache
int management_echo_buffer_size
int management_state_buffer_size
const char * management_client_user
const char * management_client_group
const char * management_certificate
unsigned int management_flags
struct plugin_option_listplugin_list
const char * tmp_dir
bool server_defined
in_addr_t server_network
in_addr_t server_netmask
bool server_ipv6_defined
struct in6_addr server_network_ipv6
unsigned int server_netbits_ipv6
unsigned int server_flags
bool server_bridge_proxy_dhcp
bool server_bridge_defined
in_addr_t server_bridge_ip
in_addr_t server_bridge_netmask
in_addr_t server_bridge_pool_start
in_addr_t server_bridge_pool_end
struct push_list push_list
bool ifconfig_pool_defined
in_addr_t ifconfig_pool_start
in_addr_t ifconfig_pool_end
in_addr_t ifconfig_pool_netmask
const char * ifconfig_pool_persist_filename
int ifconfig_pool_persist_refresh_freq
bool ifconfig_ipv6_pool_defined
struct in6_addr ifconfig_ipv6_pool_base
int ifconfig_ipv6_pool_netbits
int real_hash_size
int virtual_hash_size
const char * client_connect_script
const char * client_disconnect_script
const char * learn_address_script
const char * client_crresponse_script
const char * client_config_dir
bool ccd_exclusive
bool disable
int n_bcast_buf
int tcp_queue_limit
struct irouteiroutes
struct iroute_ipv6iroutes_ipv6
bool push_ifconfig_defined
in_addr_t push_ifconfig_local
in_addr_t push_ifconfig_remote_netmask
in_addr_t push_ifconfig_local_alias
bool push_ifconfig_constraint_defined
in_addr_t push_ifconfig_constraint_network
in_addr_t push_ifconfig_constraint_netmask
bool push_ifconfig_ipv4_blocked
bool push_ifconfig_ipv6_defined
struct in6_addr push_ifconfig_ipv6_local
int push_ifconfig_ipv6_netbits
struct in6_addr push_ifconfig_ipv6_remote
bool push_ifconfig_ipv6_blocked
bool enable_c2c
bool duplicate_cn
int cf_max
int cf_per
int cf_initial_max
int cf_initial_per
int max_clients
int max_routes_per_client
int stale_routes_check_interval
int stale_routes_ageing_time
const char * auth_user_pass_verify_script
bool auth_user_pass_verify_script_via_file
bool auth_token_generate
bool auth_token_call_auth
int auth_token_lifetime
int auth_token_renewal
const char * auth_token_secret_file
bool auth_token_secret_file_inline
bool client
bool pull
int push_continuation
unsigned int push_option_types_found
const char * auth_user_pass_file
bool auth_user_pass_file_inline
struct options_pre_connectpre_connect
int scheduled_exit_interval
struct static_challenge_info sc_info
const char * shared_secret_file
bool shared_secret_file_inline
bool allow_deprecated_insecure_static_crypto
int key_direction
const char * ciphername
bool enable_ncp_fallback
 If defined fall back to ciphername if NCP fails.
const char * ncp_ciphers_conf
 The original ncp_ciphers specified by the user in the configuration.
const char * ncp_ciphers
const char * authname
const char * engine
struct provider_list providers
bool mute_replay_warnings
int replay_window
int replay_time
const char * packet_id_file
bool test_crypto
bool tls_server
bool tls_client
const char * ca_file
bool ca_file_inline
const char * ca_path
const char * dh_file
bool dh_file_inline
const char * cert_file
bool cert_file_inline
const char * extra_certs_file
bool extra_certs_file_inline
const char * priv_key_file
bool priv_key_file_inline
const char * pkcs12_file
bool pkcs12_file_inline
const char * cipher_list
const char * cipher_list_tls13
const char * tls_groups
const char * tls_cert_profile
const char * ecdh_curve
const char * tls_verify
const char * tls_export_peer_cert_dir
int verify_x509_type
const char * verify_x509_name
const char * crl_file
bool crl_file_inline
int ns_cert_type
unsigned remote_cert_ku [MAX_PARMS]
const char * remote_cert_eku
struct verify_hash_listverify_hash
hash_algo_type verify_hash_algo
int verify_hash_depth
bool verify_hash_no_ca
unsigned int ssl_flags
const char * cryptoapi_cert
int tls_timeout
int64_t renegotiate_bytes
int64_t renegotiate_packets
int renegotiate_seconds
int renegotiate_seconds_min
int handshake_window
int transition_window
const char * tls_auth_file
bool tls_auth_file_inline
const char * tls_crypt_file
bool tls_crypt_file_inline
const char * tls_crypt_v2_file
bool tls_crypt_v2_file_inline
const char * tls_crypt_v2_metadata
const char * tls_crypt_v2_verify_script
bool single_session
bool push_peer_info
bool tls_exit
const struct x509_trackx509_track
int foreign_option_index
HANDLE msg_channel
const char * exit_event_name
bool exit_event_initial_state
bool show_net_up
int route_method
bool block_outside_dns
enum tun_driver_type windows_driver
bool use_peer_id
uint32_t peer_id
bool force_key_material_export
bool vlan_tagging
enum vlan_acceptable_frames vlan_accept
uint16_t vlan_pvid
struct pull_filter_listpull_filter_list
bool allow_recursive_routing
unsigned int imported_protocol_flags

Detailed Description

Definition at line 249 of file options.h.

Field Documentation

◆ advance_next_remote

bool options::advance_next_remote

Definition at line 296 of file options.h.

Referenced by next_connection_entry(), and parse_auth_failed_temp().

◆ allow_deprecated_insecure_static_crypto

bool options::allow_deprecated_insecure_static_crypto

Definition at line 570 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ allow_pull_fqdn

bool options::allow_pull_fqdn

Definition at line 439 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option().

◆ allow_recursive_routing

bool options::allow_recursive_routing

◆ auth_token_call_auth

bool options::auth_token_call_auth

Definition at line 542 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_crypto_tls().

◆ auth_token_generate

bool options::auth_token_generate

◆ auth_token_lifetime

int options::auth_token_lifetime

Definition at line 543 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_crypto_tls().

◆ auth_token_renewal

int options::auth_token_renewal

◆ auth_token_secret_file

const char* options::auth_token_secret_file

Definition at line 545 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_crypto_tls_c1().

◆ auth_token_secret_file_inline

bool options::auth_token_secret_file_inline

Definition at line 546 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_crypto_tls_c1().

◆ auth_user_pass_file

const char* options::auth_user_pass_file

◆ auth_user_pass_file_inline

bool options::auth_user_pass_file_inline

◆ auth_user_pass_verify_script

const char* options::auth_user_pass_verify_script

Definition at line 539 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ auth_user_pass_verify_script_via_file

bool options::auth_user_pass_verify_script_via_file

Definition at line 540 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_crypto_tls().

◆ authname

const char* options::authname

◆ backwards_compatible

unsigned int options::backwards_compatible

What version we should try to be compatible with as major * 10000 + minor * 100 + patch, e.g.

2.4.7 => 20407

Definition at line 266 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and need_compatibility_before().

◆ bind_dev

char* options::bind_dev

Definition at line 419 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and link_socket_init_phase1().

◆ block_ipv6

bool options::block_ipv6

Definition at line 436 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and process_ip_header().

◆ block_outside_dns

bool options::block_outside_dns

Definition at line 696 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), add_wfp_block(), del_wfp_block(), and init_options().

◆ ca_file

const char* options::ca_file

◆ ca_file_inline

bool options::ca_file_inline

Definition at line 594 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_ssl(), and options_postprocess_filechecks().

◆ ca_path

const char* options::ca_path

◆ ccd_exclusive

bool options::ccd_exclusive

Definition at line 506 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ cd_dir

const char* options::cd_dir

Definition at line 378 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_first_time().

◆ ce

struct connection_entry options::ce

◆ ce_advance_count

int options::ce_advance_count

Definition at line 300 of file options.h.

Referenced by management_callback_remote_cmd(), and next_connection_entry().

◆ cert_file

const char* options::cert_file

◆ cert_file_inline

bool options::cert_file_inline

Definition at line 599 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_ssl(), and options_postprocess_filechecks().

◆ cf_initial_max

int options::cf_initial_max

Definition at line 531 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), and multi_init().

◆ cf_initial_per

int options::cf_initial_per

Definition at line 532 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), and multi_init().

◆ cf_max

int options::cf_max

Definition at line 528 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), multi_init(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ cf_per

int options::cf_per

Definition at line 529 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), multi_init(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ chroot_dir

const char* options::chroot_dir

◆ cipher_list

const char* options::cipher_list

Definition at line 606 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_ssl(), and print_openssl_info().

◆ cipher_list_tls13

const char* options::cipher_list_tls13

Definition at line 607 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_ssl(), and print_openssl_info().

◆ ciphername

const char* options::ciphername

◆ client

bool options::client

Definition at line 554 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and helper_client_server().

◆ client_config_dir

const char* options::client_config_dir

◆ client_connect_script

const char* options::client_connect_script

◆ client_crresponse_script

const char* options::client_crresponse_script

Definition at line 504 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ client_disconnect_script

const char* options::client_disconnect_script

◆ client_nat

struct client_nat_option_list* options::client_nat

◆ comp

struct compress_options options::comp

◆ config

const char* options::config

◆ connect_retry_max

int options::connect_retry_max

Definition at line 287 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), and next_connection_entry().

◆ connection_list

struct connection_list* options::connection_list

◆ crl_file

const char* options::crl_file

◆ crl_file_inline

bool options::crl_file_inline

◆ cryptoapi_cert

const char* options::cryptoapi_cert

Definition at line 638 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_ssl(), key_is_external(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ daemon

bool options::daemon

Definition at line 389 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), possibly_become_daemon(), and setenv_settings().

◆ dev

const char* options::dev

◆ dev_node

const char* options::dev_node

◆ dev_type

const char* options::dev_type

◆ dh_file

const char* options::dh_file

◆ dh_file_inline

bool options::dh_file_inline

Definition at line 597 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_ssl(), and options_postprocess_filechecks().

◆ disable

bool options::disable

Definition at line 507 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option().

◆ disable_dco

bool options::disable_dco

◆ dns_options

struct dns_options options::dns_options

◆ down_pre

bool options::down_pre

Definition at line 386 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_close_tun().

◆ down_script

const char* options::down_script

Definition at line 384 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_close_tun().

◆ duplicate_cn

bool options::duplicate_cn

◆ ecdh_curve

const char* options::ecdh_curve

Definition at line 610 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), and init_ssl().

◆ enable_c2c

bool options::enable_c2c

◆ enable_ncp_fallback

bool options::enable_ncp_fallback

◆ engine

const char* options::engine

Definition at line 579 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and init_crypto_pre().

◆ exit_event_initial_state

bool options::exit_event_initial_state

Definition at line 693 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and pre_setup().

◆ exit_event_name

const char* options::exit_event_name

Definition at line 692 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and pre_setup().

◆ extra_certs_file

const char* options::extra_certs_file

Definition at line 600 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_ssl(), and options_postprocess_filechecks().

◆ extra_certs_file_inline

bool options::extra_certs_file_inline

Definition at line 601 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and init_ssl().

◆ fast_io

bool options::fast_io

Definition at line 409 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_setup_fast_io().

◆ force_key_material_export

bool options::force_key_material_export

◆ foreign_option_index

int options::foreign_option_index

Definition at line 688 of file options.h.

Referenced by pre_connect_restore(), and pre_connect_save().

◆ forward_compatible

bool options::forward_compatible

Definition at line 263 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and msglevel_forward_compatible().

◆ gc

struct gc_arena options::gc

◆ gc_owned

bool options::gc_owned

Definition at line 252 of file options.h.

Referenced by init_options(), and uninit_options().

◆ genkey

bool options::genkey

Definition at line 281 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_genkey().

◆ genkey_extra_data

const char* options::genkey_extra_data

Definition at line 284 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_genkey().

◆ genkey_filename

const char* options::genkey_filename

Definition at line 283 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_genkey().

◆ genkey_type

enum genkey_type options::genkey_type

Definition at line 282 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_genkey().

◆ groupname

const char* options::groupname

Definition at line 376 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_first_time(), do_option_warnings(), and do_persist_tuntap().

◆ handshake_window

int options::handshake_window

◆ http_proxy_override

struct http_proxy_options* options::http_proxy_override

◆ ifconfig_ipv6_local

const char* options::ifconfig_ipv6_local

◆ ifconfig_ipv6_netbits

int options::ifconfig_ipv6_netbits

◆ ifconfig_ipv6_pool_base

struct in6_addr options::ifconfig_ipv6_pool_base

Definition at line 496 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), helper_client_server(), multi_init(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ ifconfig_ipv6_pool_defined

bool options::ifconfig_ipv6_pool_defined

◆ ifconfig_ipv6_pool_netbits

int options::ifconfig_ipv6_pool_netbits

Definition at line 497 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), helper_client_server(), and multi_init().

◆ ifconfig_ipv6_remote

const char* options::ifconfig_ipv6_remote

◆ ifconfig_local

const char* options::ifconfig_local

◆ ifconfig_noexec

bool options::ifconfig_noexec

◆ ifconfig_nowarn

bool options::ifconfig_nowarn

Definition at line 327 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_tun().

◆ ifconfig_pool_defined

bool options::ifconfig_pool_defined

◆ ifconfig_pool_end

in_addr_t options::ifconfig_pool_end

Definition at line 490 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), helper_client_server(), multi_init(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ ifconfig_pool_netmask

in_addr_t options::ifconfig_pool_netmask

◆ ifconfig_pool_persist_filename

const char* options::ifconfig_pool_persist_filename

◆ ifconfig_pool_persist_refresh_freq

int options::ifconfig_pool_persist_refresh_freq

Definition at line 493 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_open_ifconfig_pool_persist(), and init_options().

◆ ifconfig_pool_start

in_addr_t options::ifconfig_pool_start

Definition at line 489 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), helper_client_server(), multi_init(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ ifconfig_remote_netmask

const char* options::ifconfig_remote_netmask

◆ ignore_unknown_option

const char** options::ignore_unknown_option

Definition at line 269 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option().

◆ imported_protocol_flags

unsigned int options::imported_protocol_flags

◆ inactivity_minimum_bytes

int64_t options::inactivity_minimum_bytes

Definition at line 344 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), check_inactivity_timeout(), and register_activity().

◆ inactivity_timeout

int options::inactivity_timeout

Definition at line 343 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), process_coarse_timers(), and register_activity().

◆ ip_remote_hint

const char* options::ip_remote_hint

Definition at line 367 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_preresolve().

◆ ipchange

const char* options::ipchange

Definition at line 315 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), link_socket_init_phase1(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ iroutes

struct iroute* options::iroutes

◆ iroutes_ipv6

struct iroute_ipv6* options::iroutes_ipv6

◆ keepalive_ping

int options::keepalive_ping

Definition at line 340 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_option_warnings(), and helper_keepalive().

◆ keepalive_timeout

int options::keepalive_timeout

Definition at line 341 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_option_warnings(), and helper_keepalive().

◆ key_direction

int options::key_direction

◆ key_pass_file

const char* options::key_pass_file

Definition at line 275 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_query_passwords(), and options_postprocess_filechecks().

◆ learn_address_script

const char* options::learn_address_script

Definition at line 503 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), learn_address_script(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ lladdr

const char* options::lladdr

◆ log

bool options::log

Definition at line 393 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), possibly_become_daemon(), and setenv_settings().

◆ machine_readable_output

bool options::machine_readable_output

Definition at line 395 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option().

◆ management_addr

const char* options::management_addr

Definition at line 446 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), open_management(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ management_certificate

const char* options::management_certificate

Definition at line 456 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and init_ssl().

◆ management_client_group

const char* options::management_client_group

Definition at line 454 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), open_management(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ management_client_user

const char* options::management_client_user

Definition at line 453 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), open_management(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ management_echo_buffer_size

int options::management_echo_buffer_size

Definition at line 450 of file options.h.

Referenced by init_options(), and open_management().

◆ management_flags

unsigned int options::management_flags

◆ management_log_history_cache

int options::management_log_history_cache

◆ management_port

const char* options::management_port

Definition at line 447 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and open_management().

◆ management_state_buffer_size

int options::management_state_buffer_size

Definition at line 451 of file options.h.

Referenced by init_options(), and open_management().

◆ management_user_pass

const char* options::management_user_pass

◆ mark

int options::mark

Definition at line 418 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and link_socket_init_phase1().

◆ max_clients

int options::max_clients

Definition at line 534 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), and multi_init().

◆ max_routes_per_client

int options::max_routes_per_client

Definition at line 535 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), route_quota_exceeded(), and route_quota_test().

◆ mlock

bool options::mlock

Definition at line 338 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_genkey(), and init_instance().

◆ mode

int options::mode

◆ msg_channel

HANDLE options::msg_channel

Definition at line 691 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), add_wfp_block(), del_wfp_block(), and do_open_tun().

◆ mtu_test

bool options::mtu_test

◆ mute

int options::mute

Definition at line 398 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and init_verb_mute().

◆ mute_replay_warnings

bool options::mute_replay_warnings

Definition at line 581 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_static(), and do_init_crypto_tls().

◆ n_bcast_buf

int options::n_bcast_buf

Definition at line 508 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), multi_init(), and multi_tcp_instance_specific_init().

◆ ncp_ciphers

const char* options::ncp_ciphers

◆ ncp_ciphers_conf

const char* options::ncp_ciphers_conf

The original ncp_ciphers specified by the user in the configuration.

Definition at line 576 of file options.h.

Referenced by check_pull_client_ncp(), check_session_cipher(), multi_client_set_protocol_options(), options_postprocess_cipher(), and test_ncp_default().

◆ nice

int options::nice

Definition at line 396 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_first_time().

◆ no_advance

bool options::no_advance

◆ ns_cert_type

int options::ns_cert_type

Definition at line 618 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), and do_option_warnings().

◆ occ

bool options::occ

Definition at line 443 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), and process_received_occ_msg().

◆ packet_id_file

const char* options::packet_id_file

Definition at line 584 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_crypto_pre(), and options_postprocess_filechecks().

◆ peer_id

uint32_t options::peer_id

Definition at line 701 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_deferred_options(), and test_mssfix_mtu_calculation().

◆ persist_config

bool options::persist_config

Definition at line 272 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_persist_tuntap().

◆ persist_local_ip

bool options::persist_local_ip

Definition at line 358 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_close_link_socket().

◆ persist_mode

int options::persist_mode

Definition at line 273 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_persist_tuntap(), and init_options().

◆ persist_remote_ip

bool options::persist_remote_ip

Definition at line 359 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_close_link_socket(), and next_connection_entry().

◆ persist_tun

bool options::persist_tun

Definition at line 357 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_close_tun(), and do_option_warnings().

◆ ping_rec_timeout

int options::ping_rec_timeout

◆ ping_rec_timeout_action

int options::ping_rec_timeout_action

◆ ping_send_timeout

int options::ping_send_timeout

◆ ping_timer_remote

bool options::ping_timer_remote

Definition at line 350 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and check_ping_restart().

◆ pkcs12_file

const char* options::pkcs12_file

◆ pkcs12_file_inline

bool options::pkcs12_file_inline

Definition at line 605 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_ssl(), and options_postprocess_filechecks().

◆ plugin_list

struct plugin_option_list* options::plugin_list

Definition at line 462 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_plugins(), open_plugins(), and show_settings().

◆ pre_connect

struct options_pre_connect* options::pre_connect

Definition at line 560 of file options.h.

Referenced by pre_connect_restore(), and pre_connect_save().

◆ priv_key_file

const char* options::priv_key_file

◆ priv_key_file_inline

bool options::priv_key_file_inline

◆ proto_force

int options::proto_force

Definition at line 330 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), and options_postprocess_mutate_ce().

◆ providers

struct provider_list options::providers

Definition at line 580 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_early(), and uninit_early().

◆ pull

bool options::pull

◆ pull_filter_list

struct pull_filter_list* options::pull_filter_list

◆ push_continuation

int options::push_continuation

Definition at line 556 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and pre_connect_restore().

◆ push_ifconfig_constraint_defined

bool options::push_ifconfig_constraint_defined

Definition at line 516 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), helper_client_server(), and ifconfig_push_constraint_satisfied().

◆ push_ifconfig_constraint_netmask

in_addr_t options::push_ifconfig_constraint_netmask

◆ push_ifconfig_constraint_network

in_addr_t options::push_ifconfig_constraint_network

◆ push_ifconfig_defined

bool options::push_ifconfig_defined

Definition at line 512 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and multi_select_virtual_addr().

◆ push_ifconfig_ipv4_blocked

bool options::push_ifconfig_ipv4_blocked

Definition at line 519 of file options.h.

Referenced by prepare_push_reply(), and push_remove_option().

◆ push_ifconfig_ipv6_blocked

bool options::push_ifconfig_ipv6_blocked

Definition at line 524 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), prepare_push_reply(), and push_remove_option().

◆ push_ifconfig_ipv6_defined

bool options::push_ifconfig_ipv6_defined

Definition at line 520 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and multi_select_virtual_addr().

◆ push_ifconfig_ipv6_local

struct in6_addr options::push_ifconfig_ipv6_local

Definition at line 521 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), multi_select_virtual_addr(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ push_ifconfig_ipv6_netbits

int options::push_ifconfig_ipv6_netbits

Definition at line 522 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), multi_select_virtual_addr(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ push_ifconfig_ipv6_remote

struct in6_addr options::push_ifconfig_ipv6_remote

Definition at line 523 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), multi_select_virtual_addr(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ push_ifconfig_local

in_addr_t options::push_ifconfig_local

Definition at line 513 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), multi_select_virtual_addr(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ push_ifconfig_local_alias

in_addr_t options::push_ifconfig_local_alias

Definition at line 515 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and multi_select_virtual_addr().

◆ push_ifconfig_remote_netmask

in_addr_t options::push_ifconfig_remote_netmask

Definition at line 514 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), multi_select_virtual_addr(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ push_list

struct push_list options::push_list

◆ push_option_types_found

unsigned int options::push_option_types_found

Definition at line 557 of file options.h.

Referenced by incoming_push_message(), and pre_connect_restore().

◆ push_peer_info

bool options::push_peer_info

Definition at line 681 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_crypto_tls().

◆ rcvbuf

int options::rcvbuf

Definition at line 414 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_deferred_options(), and link_socket_init_phase1().

◆ real_hash_size

int options::real_hash_size

Definition at line 499 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), multi_init(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ remap_sigusr1

int options::remap_sigusr1

Definition at line 391 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), open_management(), options_postprocess_mutate(), and remap_signal().

◆ remote_cert_eku

const char* options::remote_cert_eku

Definition at line 620 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), and do_option_warnings().

◆ remote_cert_ku

unsigned options::remote_cert_ku[MAX_PARMS]

Definition at line 619 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_crypto_tls().

◆ remote_list

struct remote_list* options::remote_list

◆ remote_random

bool options::remote_random

Definition at line 314 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option().

◆ renegotiate_bytes

int64_t options::renegotiate_bytes

Definition at line 644 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), and init_options().

◆ renegotiate_packets

int64_t options::renegotiate_packets

Definition at line 645 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_crypto_tls().

◆ renegotiate_seconds

int options::renegotiate_seconds

◆ renegotiate_seconds_min

int options::renegotiate_seconds_min

Definition at line 647 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), and init_options().

◆ replay_time

int options::replay_time

Definition at line 583 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_static(), do_init_crypto_tls(), init_options(), and usage().

◆ replay_window

int options::replay_window

Definition at line 582 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_static(), do_init_crypto_tls(), init_options(), and usage().

◆ resolve_in_advance

bool options::resolve_in_advance

◆ resolve_retry_seconds

int options::resolve_retry_seconds

Definition at line 365 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_preresolve_host(), init_options(), and link_socket_init_phase1().

◆ rh_store

struct remote_host_store* options::rh_store

Definition at line 310 of file options.h.

Referenced by management_callback_remote_cmd().

◆ route_default_gateway

const char* options::route_default_gateway

◆ route_default_metric

int options::route_default_metric

Definition at line 429 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_route_ipv6_list(), and do_init_route_list().

◆ route_delay

int options::route_delay

Definition at line 431 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_up(), and options_postprocess_mutate_invariant().

◆ route_delay_defined

bool options::route_delay_defined

◆ route_delay_window

int options::route_delay_window

Definition at line 432 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_up(), and init_options().

◆ route_gateway_via_dhcp

bool options::route_gateway_via_dhcp

Definition at line 438 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and process_ip_header().

◆ route_ipv6_default_gateway

const char* options::route_ipv6_default_gateway

◆ route_method

int options::route_method

Definition at line 695 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), and remap_redirect_gateway_flags().

◆ route_noexec

bool options::route_noexec

Definition at line 430 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and route_noexec_enabled().

◆ route_nopull

bool options::route_nopull

Definition at line 437 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and pull_permission_mask().

◆ route_predown_script

const char* options::route_predown_script

Definition at line 426 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_close_tun().

◆ route_script

const char* options::route_script

Definition at line 425 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_route().

◆ routes

struct route_option_list* options::routes

◆ routes_ipv6

struct route_ipv6_option_list* options::routes_ipv6

◆ sc_info

struct static_challenge_info options::sc_info

Definition at line 565 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), and init_query_passwords().

◆ scheduled_exit_interval

int options::scheduled_exit_interval

Definition at line 562 of file options.h.

Referenced by init_options(), and schedule_exit().

◆ server_backoff_time

int options::server_backoff_time

◆ server_bridge_defined

bool options::server_bridge_defined

◆ server_bridge_ip

in_addr_t options::server_bridge_ip

Definition at line 482 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), helper_client_server(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ server_bridge_netmask

in_addr_t options::server_bridge_netmask

Definition at line 483 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), helper_client_server(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ server_bridge_pool_end

in_addr_t options::server_bridge_pool_end

Definition at line 485 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), helper_client_server(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ server_bridge_pool_start

in_addr_t options::server_bridge_pool_start

Definition at line 484 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), helper_client_server(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ server_bridge_proxy_dhcp

bool options::server_bridge_proxy_dhcp

◆ server_defined

bool options::server_defined

Definition at line 467 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), helper_client_server(), and options_postprocess_mutate_ce().

◆ server_flags

unsigned int options::server_flags

◆ server_ipv6_defined

bool options::server_ipv6_defined

Definition at line 470 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and helper_client_server().

◆ server_netbits_ipv6

unsigned int options::server_netbits_ipv6

Definition at line 472 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and helper_client_server().

◆ server_netmask

in_addr_t options::server_netmask

Definition at line 469 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), helper_client_server(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ server_network

in_addr_t options::server_network

Definition at line 468 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), helper_client_server(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ server_network_ipv6

struct in6_addr options::server_network_ipv6

Definition at line 471 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), helper_client_server(), and show_p2mp_parms().

◆ session_timeout

int options::session_timeout

Definition at line 346 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and check_session_timeout().

◆ shaper

int options::shaper

◆ shared_secret_file

const char* options::shared_secret_file

◆ shared_secret_file_inline

bool options::shared_secret_file_inline

Definition at line 569 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_static(), and options_postprocess_filechecks().

◆ show_ciphers

bool options::show_ciphers

Definition at line 276 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and print_openssl_info().

◆ show_curves

bool options::show_curves

Definition at line 280 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and print_openssl_info().

◆ show_digests

bool options::show_digests

Definition at line 277 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and print_openssl_info().

◆ show_engines

bool options::show_engines

Definition at line 278 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and print_openssl_info().

◆ show_net_up

bool options::show_net_up

Definition at line 694 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_route().

◆ show_tls_ciphers

bool options::show_tls_ciphers

Definition at line 279 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and print_openssl_info().

◆ single_session

bool options::single_session

Definition at line 679 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_crypto_tls().

◆ sndbuf

int options::sndbuf

Definition at line 415 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_deferred_options(), and link_socket_init_phase1().

◆ sockflags

unsigned int options::sockflags

◆ ssl_flags

unsigned int options::ssl_flags

◆ stale_routes_ageing_time

int options::stale_routes_ageing_time

Definition at line 537 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), check_stale_routes(), and multi_init().

◆ stale_routes_check_interval

int options::stale_routes_check_interval

◆ status_file

const char* options::status_file

Definition at line 404 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_open_status_output(), and options_postprocess_filechecks().

◆ status_file_update_freq

int options::status_file_update_freq

Definition at line 406 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_open_status_output(), and init_options().

◆ status_file_version

int options::status_file_version

Definition at line 405 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), and multi_init().

◆ suppress_timestamps

bool options::suppress_timestamps

Definition at line 394 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option().

◆ tcp_queue_limit

int options::tcp_queue_limit

Definition at line 509 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), and multi_init().

◆ test_crypto

bool options::test_crypto

◆ tls_auth_file

const char* options::tls_auth_file

Definition at line 662 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), options_postprocess_mutate_ce(), and test_occ_mtu_calculation().

◆ tls_auth_file_inline

bool options::tls_auth_file_inline

Definition at line 663 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and options_postprocess_mutate_ce().

◆ tls_cert_profile

const char* options::tls_cert_profile

Definition at line 609 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), init_ssl(), and print_openssl_info().

◆ tls_client

bool options::tls_client

◆ tls_crypt_file

const char* options::tls_crypt_file

Definition at line 666 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and options_postprocess_mutate_ce().

◆ tls_crypt_file_inline

bool options::tls_crypt_file_inline

Definition at line 667 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and options_postprocess_mutate_ce().

◆ tls_crypt_v2_file

const char* options::tls_crypt_v2_file

Definition at line 671 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_genkey(), and options_postprocess_mutate_ce().

◆ tls_crypt_v2_file_inline

bool options::tls_crypt_v2_file_inline

Definition at line 672 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_genkey(), and options_postprocess_mutate_ce().

◆ tls_crypt_v2_metadata

const char* options::tls_crypt_v2_metadata

Definition at line 674 of file options.h.

◆ tls_crypt_v2_verify_script

const char* options::tls_crypt_v2_verify_script

Definition at line 676 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_crypto_tls().

◆ tls_exit

bool options::tls_exit

Definition at line 683 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_signal_on_tls_errors().

◆ tls_export_peer_cert_dir

const char* options::tls_export_peer_cert_dir

Definition at line 612 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), and options_postprocess_filechecks().

◆ tls_groups

const char* options::tls_groups

Definition at line 608 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and init_ssl().

◆ tls_server

bool options::tls_server

◆ tls_timeout

int options::tls_timeout

Definition at line 641 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), init_options(), and usage().

◆ tls_verify

const char* options::tls_verify

Definition at line 611 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), and do_option_warnings().

◆ tmp_dir

const char* options::tmp_dir

◆ topology

int options::topology

◆ transition_window

int options::transition_window

Definition at line 659 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), init_options(), and usage().

◆ tuntap_options

struct tuntap_options options::tuntap_options

◆ unsuccessful_attempts

unsigned int options::unsuccessful_attempts

Definition at line 298 of file options.h.

Referenced by next_connection_entry(), and socket_restart_pause().

◆ up_delay

bool options::up_delay

Definition at line 387 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_up(), init_instance(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ up_restart

bool options::up_restart

Definition at line 388 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_close_tun(), and do_open_tun().

◆ up_script

const char* options::up_script

Definition at line 383 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_open_tun().

◆ use_peer_id

bool options::use_peer_id

◆ user_script_used

bool options::user_script_used

Definition at line 385 of file options.h.

Referenced by do_option_warnings(), and set_user_script().

◆ username

const char* options::username

Definition at line 375 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_first_time(), do_option_warnings(), and do_persist_tuntap().

◆ verbosity

int options::verbosity

Definition at line 397 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), init_verb_mute(), setenv_settings(), and usage().

◆ verify_hash

struct verify_hash_list* options::verify_hash

◆ verify_hash_algo

hash_algo_type options::verify_hash_algo

Definition at line 622 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), and show_settings().

◆ verify_hash_depth

int options::verify_hash_depth

◆ verify_hash_no_ca

bool options::verify_hash_no_ca

◆ verify_x509_name

const char* options::verify_x509_name

Definition at line 614 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_crypto_tls().

◆ verify_x509_type

int options::verify_x509_type

Definition at line 613 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), do_init_crypto_tls(), and do_option_warnings().

◆ virtual_hash_size

int options::virtual_hash_size

Definition at line 500 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), init_options(), multi_init(), and options_postprocess_verify_ce().

◆ vlan_accept

enum vlan_acceptable_frames options::vlan_accept

◆ vlan_pvid

uint16_t options::vlan_pvid

◆ vlan_tagging

bool options::vlan_tagging

◆ windows_driver

enum tun_driver_type options::windows_driver

◆ writepid

const char* options::writepid

Definition at line 382 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), openvpn_main(), and options_postprocess_filechecks().

◆ x509_track

const struct x509_track* options::x509_track

Definition at line 685 of file options.h.

Referenced by add_option(), and do_init_crypto_tls().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: