55 _In_opt_ LPCTSTR szDeviceDescription,
57 _Inout_ LPBOOL pbRebootRequired,
58 _Out_ LPGUID pguidAdapter);
82 _In_ LPCGUID pguidAdapter,
83 _Inout_ LPBOOL pbRebootRequired);
109 _In_ LPCGUID pguidAdapter,
111 _Inout_ LPBOOL pbRebootRequired);
128 _In_ LPCGUID pguidAdapter,
Network adapter list node.
struct tap_adapter_node * pNext
Pointer to next adapter.
LPTSTR szzHardwareIDs
Device hardware ID(s)
Adapter name.
DWORD tap_list_adapters(_In_opt_ HWND hwndParent, _In_opt_ LPCTSTR szzHwIDs, _Out_ struct tap_adapter_node **ppAdapterList)
Creates a list of existing network adapters.
DWORD tap_create_adapter(_In_opt_ HWND hwndParent, _In_opt_ LPCTSTR szDeviceDescription, _In_ LPCTSTR szHwId, _Inout_ LPBOOL pbRebootRequired, _Out_ LPGUID pguidAdapter)
Creates a TUN/TAP adapter.
DWORD tap_set_adapter_name(_In_ LPCGUID pguidAdapter, _In_ LPCTSTR szName, _In_ BOOL bSilent)
Sets adapter name.
DWORD tap_delete_adapter(_In_opt_ HWND hwndParent, _In_ LPCGUID pguidAdapter, _Inout_ LPBOOL pbRebootRequired)
Deletes an adapter.
void tap_free_adapter_list(_In_ struct tap_adapter_node *pAdapterList)
Frees a list of network adapters.
DWORD tap_enable_adapter(_In_opt_ HWND hwndParent, _In_ LPCGUID pguidAdapter, _In_ BOOL bEnable, _Inout_ LPBOOL pbRebootRequired)
Enables or disables an adapter.