26#include "../tapctl/basic.h"
32#define ERROR_MSICA 2550L
33#define ERROR_MSICA_ERRNO 2551L
56 struct openvpnmsica_thread_data *s = (struct openvpnmsica_thread_data *)TlsGetValue(openvpnmsica_thread_data_idx); \
57 s->hInstall = (hInstall); \
73#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
74#define DLLEXP_DECL __declspec(dllexport)
DLLEXP_DECL UINT __stdcall EvaluateTUNTAPAdapters(_In_ MSIHANDLE hInstall)
Evaluate the TUNTAPAdapter table of the MSI package database and prepare a list of TAP adapters to in...
DLLEXP_DECL UINT __stdcall CheckAndScheduleReboot(_In_ MSIHANDLE hInstall)
Schedule reboot after installation if reboot indication file is found in user's temp directory.
DLLEXP_DECL UINT __stdcall StartOpenVPNGUI(_In_ MSIHANDLE hInstall)
Launches OpenVPN GUI.
DLLEXP_DECL UINT __stdcall ProcessDeferredAction(_In_ MSIHANDLE hInstall)
Perform scheduled deferred action.
DLLEXP_DECL UINT __stdcall CloseOpenVPNGUI(_In_ MSIHANDLE hInstall)
Find OpenVPN GUI window and send it a WM_CLOSE message.
DWORD openvpnmsica_thread_data_idx
MSI session handle thread local storage index.
DLLEXP_DECL UINT __stdcall FindSystemInfo(_In_ MSIHANDLE hInstall)
Determines Windows information:
Thread local storage data.
Handle to the installation session.