const char *line,
char **p,
const int n,
const char *file,
42 const int line_num,
int msglevel,
struct gc_arena *
void cert_hash_remember(struct tls_session *session, const int cert_depth, const struct buffer *cert_hash)
int pem_password_callback(char *buf, int size, int rwflag, void *u)
Callback to retrieve the user's password.
result_t verify_cert(struct tls_session *session, openvpn_x509_cert_t *cert, int cert_depth)
int parse_line(const char *line, char **p, const int n, const char *file, const int line_num, int msglevel, struct gc_arena *gc)
Control Channel SSL/Data channel negotiation module.
Control Channel Verification Module.
Result of verification function.
mbedtls_x509_crt openvpn_x509_cert_t
Wrapper structure for dynamically allocated memory.
Structure containing the hash for a single certificate.
Garbage collection arena used to keep track of dynamically allocated memory.
Security parameter state of a single session within a VPN tunnel.